Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — LATEST FOREICN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Congr«fc>BiB Wikm. Hnniia Henil «nJ tho 6iit>er of tho r»riif J nll Uin s prwarioi» ~t>le of at tr*. Mex;eo lf Wilooa wotPt« tbe M-*x officiais »i’l |i»ve bia> «o oration. as tbev e»teeui L m a gre .t »Ut«*man.

Londoo. Feb *A>.—A *tr ng cont(ng-nt of nill leave Porlst!oath oq Wedoesdvv to re«.oforce tbe Britisb coiomiod at Batbor»t. Oamhia. Vienoa, Fvb. 26—A r»o(oa« demoastr*tion of tbe ooercplove>] took plaee t «dny. Pi*a, Feb. 36.—Doring the perfonnanca «t tbe T-atro Naevo a |et»nl vas t .rown ioto tbe aaditoriam tbroagh a vindi » in the rear of tbe stage. It burst and created a great excitement. Ihoi ph it did oo damsge. London, Feb. 20. —Dispatches from Port Lonu», Island of Mauritiaa. sbow the cyclone reported there to be greatlv exaggerate<l.

San S.ilv.uiir, F> b A Frt,-nch f«vDilicate h-ia offertKl a large loan to Nicangaa in excliauge for a eanal concession. Qu*'b'C, Feb. 2ō. William Collius Meredith. ex-Chicf Jus|ice of the Supreo>e Conrt. is «lea>l. Chicago, Feb. 2<i. William H. Hea<lley, secretarv in<l treasurer «f the Headley .V Peek Distitli«g Company of I>»xingtoo Kentucky h«s forged wareboose receipts aml is on his way to Mexico. It is understood that tlie forgeries aiuouul to $40,(HX)

Washington, Fob. 26. The | State Department Ims received ( confirmat:on of the trīuuipli of the revolotionists in tIonduras, Uoited States Minister at Managua, says: ‘_B«.>uili has occupied the strongholds in Houduras, and 1 the war seema to be at au end.” Sau Salmdor. Fcb. 26. Riot tng is of duily occtirrecce at (»randa, Nicarugoa, and Prosideut Zelaya is seudiug troops.

Chicago, Feb. 26— Gu<*rds with nfies on their sbonlders and belts stuck fuil of cartr dges patrolle<l the Court of U<»ii<<r in Jackson Park tooight, with instructons to keep their eyes open for men who looked as if they migbt set the buildings on fire. Hami!tou (Ont), Feb. 26—Mrs Fredericka Mandelbamu, bett**r known as “M<>ther Mau<le!bauui ihe notoriocs “fenoe” keej>er. died at davbreak tlus luonnne «f • n Brights diaease. c«uiplicated with an atlectinu of the heart. Rost«n. Feb, 26—The }H)lico aro making extraordinary pre-

(>*ration of lns( week’s rioto»s »lemonstrHtions «l»rinp the pro posetl panule of the nuemployed toioorrow. T<*n thoos<«ud roands of Min »iunition beloaging t<» the Stnt< , «rhich w<-re. t«n ye»rs »go, stom! at the p»»līce headqiutrters. h«ve dis!tp(»e.»red. ChicMgo. Feb. 36— J»dge Gn»sscap of the Fnit*d St »tes tod«v dischsrged fn»m cnstody the r.ulro*ds offioisls who ref»sed to «nvwer qaestions m the Fedoral Grsnd Jury iuvestig«tiou of the intcrstite comuierce Uw. This pr*otic*lly renders the Uw uugntory. S«n Fr»ncisco. Feb. 26 — Chr(s £v«ns »n<l his friend h«ve be«m captnre«l withon{ btoo«Uhe«l an 1 thev «re U>th iu prUon al Fuls«»ni. Wasbington, Fel> 2tU—There is not the ieast noe.«sine>s «m«»og «<fficiaU of the Whitc Houae <»r Stale lVpHrtiuent over tbe snfet\ * f President C*erel«nd and Secretarv Grvsh«in. «ho left in the stonn ye£terxl «y on ihe iigbtboiia> te’wler \ w!-! f r > d<\ > .e-To« tion do«u iLe Puloiaao.

\V»$hitigloo, Fab. 36—lt U the por|*»>i** of ibc S iul« Committee on Fu.e:gn K«ittuNM t*< uke op MorptD » bili for tbe reorgnc s«tion of tba Nic«rago*n mdi! duriag th« |<mjeat Mbu <&. Motgiu aihi Fryo are bolb tn >»a to b« aniioi» lo prvo»'*le Uie enterpriee. W«sbiogtoo. F*b. 36.—Tue Ooaeool bns arriTtad »t Sbtitgb«i. Tbe Bennington Ux>ebed at 8L Vincent je«Srrday on ber *iy wroM tbe noolh AlUnlie »nd lo 8»b Fnseuo> ni C«pe Horo. The Ltnca«t«r •rr ; ved it S>nge P*»re yetflerdity on ber »<y to Stf* Votk tui tbe So«* eenni, •ed tbe Eami «rmed »( Newpo«t

lo Uk« sppm>tir«« on • cran« in tb« Wcsl W-*hia**loo, F"b, 26 —Tb« i*iir<v Coa»«rnJ F f, rts i e«l »f*et a bn«f lis;< 3iorn zz lb« sitb e 'oniiu<>> r. t

cav,rg eoeple:«d tHe L*r.tf bif! Lr. i.'Q, F.*b. ■.'ti —S liima anū HaH.a vl] i>»w llanha an l Gaod«ar to scq •* for #2ōu0 anii tbe ch*mpionsbip of tbe vorld. Tbe nee wīli be rovcd orer tfce ehiapioo j coorse. fodiancpoiia. Feh. 26. F\r rfe»ident HarrLsooan<i partv left this morr;ug for Ca>iforo;a via tbe Peon«ylTan a. Sar.ta Fe and Soathem Pacific. A namber of frien«ls g»thervd at tbe si«tioo to »ee him t.|f. Tbe psrty vill s|>eud Sand «y a‘ S»n Jose. Cal., and >n Monln g »to Palo Allo. fue report decl:ires thal the Ppe-i.hui of the Vnited States hfe oot in any wise been a p«rtv b» any irr>galarity or impropriety of condact in his high office. Batler. Tarpie. D.tuiel and (*r;«y, D raocratic inember« of ihe comn'.;ttee. snbmita minoritv rej>ort. Iat it d.ff«'rs fr>m the majority chiedy in condeuming Minister Stevens.