Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — IRVINE’S IDEA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


An Examiner Man's Theory. Tho plan is to re-elect Presideut D«»lo and to eloot Walter G. > Smith. the ethtor of the Slnr. \ »ce-Presideni. He is u leador ' •*f the ra<l»CMls. l*y f«r tho best public spoakor ou the islandsaud nis «p|>oHrance in raeetings ts! «Iw«ys tho sigual f«*r an ov«tion. ! Ho w«s in tl « L< gisl«tnreof Now V. »rk from Shen«ngo county in 1880. and was !*ofore tli«t tiino odi- . t«r of the Ith«oa Joumal aiul | «fterwards of the Kepuhliean of that city. He is tho rocognizod ie«der of the r«dical p«rty, whieh 1 triuiuphed at l«>>t night s m«ssoeoting in its fight for brosd*T re)»r»sontatioo iu tl o eonneiU of iho Oovornm«nt Mr. Sioith was it one tiiue piominently idouti- I tiod w.th a suppi*sed fiiiknstering 1 -eheme to c:»j»turo a part of | l«n»*or C«lifortii« aud aunex it to iho l niU*d StaUs.

Tho res»olutions «dopU*d i«st night eomplaia in • Hoot that tho Prt»visional Govermoeut is an >Iig«rchy whnse riglit U» solect it> own snooosi*ors and to conduct «attor> m its owu w«y should be ibr>dged without furtber c**ro ■ionv Tliero were uo b lf-way neāsurvs or pa*ove js»licios «t •he moetmg. and snch c *us«>rvaivos as Att«*rnev Oeneml W. O Snrth M rP. C. Jonos «nd o»hers wore loueh «nnoycd nt the vobe •uenee audstrei»gth of the radic«l s*>nti'nent as mantfest <1 ,»i last n ght‘s iueeting.