Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — The Last Split [ARTICLE]

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The Last Split

The high moral tone of the Holohpa for whieh we now are noted among the anoexatioDists is sohigbly that we have to Jraw aline *nd have to throw cold water od 8otne of oor correspondent». In spite of the high 5entiaieut«. above indicated we will ran the risk of one more *‘splif* &nd to the tane of a muchly popalar song we will immortaIize tbe late»t, the beautiful, the the split. as follows: Le; tl! the P. G.’s mn«tcr AnA hear wbat I kave V) say, I'm a pmphet that aseecded Fr .m the Moon. I L*ve br Tght some Nte despatch«, The heauhne» read hke tīus ‘*We are going to have a sj li: up Pret;y soon.* WTh:lst in Conndl th'.«e memhei» st Tor tb»t job tbey are anfit, S"jme of the spreches uade Gīres me a ehiil. To help tbe macy chaws, They are making Lomemade Iaws, The latest one ts called “A Sailor’s BiU.“ Any man that is at Iarge That beeomes a pnhiie charge, The D itch brigade Will dnmp him in a eellTo some other sunny sbore You11 be enle<l evenaore Tbat’s what tbe P. G. iaw» Do now eompeL Whilst the Council eloek is tickirg, Tlm’s secret league is kicking And the Portuguese eat poi With a spc»on. It may soand awful queer Bnt 111 te!l them on the sqU3re That there’s going to be A sjiit np pretty soon. I have travelled tbe world o’er But, nerer in my life before HaTe seen a friendly nation Go to ruin. But, Congress aoon will shout You P. G.’s get down aud out, Then they’U ssy $he aplit up II as eume on to soon. Unele Sam is on his muscle With Chili and Hawaii, Whilst a saiall poi scare Is abont to boom. Let the P. G,'s take a f>ointer Before it does set in There’s coiug to be A split up soon with Tim. Travellixu Pro.