Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — They Believe. [ARTICLE]

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They Believe.

The cl&ss in Theosopbv, whieh iueets in the Foster Hall, Nuoann street, will in the futurt be ealled on W t*dnesc.lay evenings at 7:3(1 p. m. iustead of on Satnrdays- There are now tbirty-three iuembers of the society, and mauv of our most prominent citiaeus are showing tfaeir inde{teodent spirits by joining a society whieh altbough god-fear-ing does not blindly bow down to the sycophants anJ h\ pocrites who follow tbe creeJ aJvocated by a “thing like Sereno E. Bishop.