Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — A Little Premature. [ARTICLE]
A Little Premature.
Tbe A<h'erti*er is Lappy, tbe Adtvrti*er is safe! That is, the groat Reform organ has fouutl out that the Americau League has joined the raissionary Union Party. Now, we are not interested in the domestic politics of the waning provisional government. It is iraraaterial to ns what combiuations they make, and what the coraplexions of tho political bed follews, are. Bat we do believo that the wrong irapression created by the missionary organ this moruing sbould bo dispelled. In our Jemnnd for popular governmeut —the universal cry of the Hawaiians—we have met with syrapathy from the men who compose the American League. The nltimate destination of this couutry is not before us today. A prematnre and
•missionan- riJden“ move was ; made to force Hawaii uuder the tlag of the great and glorious republic. Tlie people were never asked. The opiuion of thcm was never sought. The eapiUl ruled | —and Hawaii was si!eut, \vas qniet !ind is now waiting results Tho Ameneau League. repi*e sonting Ihe workiugmen and the raechauics —heaJed by a meehanie who were to resist anv att *rapt of the moneyed clique to tra mpl e on Amer i e a n pr.nci,Jes, took up the cnJgols for popnlar govornmont. It is uow saiJ that these inen who compose wh«t virtu«llv is ‘ A l nion of Morkingrnen and Mechanios have falleu into tbe hands of the Philistfues nnd have heeome “good and “niee” missionary boys. We refuse to bolieve it. anj we stamp \vith the brand of “a liar“ anyone who puts the charge of corroptiou and of bribery ou the men who elaim—and have a right to elalm—that they represent Araericaus ana true Araericanism.