Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE, 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Sire, Prompter, 2.305, br Blre 7*. Gncr. B'i>vi!'>irT. 165S I'r r-r'• ■ »Lsu thr S«te ol Apei. 2:2*; rnc<;t, 2 2Bi; W«Ik«r. W 22Ti; Chu». 224 iDi! of tbe Daius Btill \ntine. 2:17 la i līaw, 2 & > C| K* ĪS rt hiAei wLiie foot Aii i ~:uitl »tr>pe in f*rr. \V, ponou*; u» v ery c**ntW. » ; prodnc« And a emne n»cr* h-,>rve. WiU s tAn i for a Iiante.l nuniNer of Burrs »: ; FIKTV 5ō0 D< >I.I.AhS FOK THE S'r ASi >S. par*Me it tia e f .m«. Th> u n*īs bred iu 1892 to £ortjr-six mares and pr>ia e.l forty-«wo colts. feb 17-un ]). I I DAV IS. Made at Stockton. Cai. Sept. 23. 1893.*

INTER-ISLANDPilOTACE. C.vpt. WILLIAM DAVIES, ' — FOR IllE Past TWELVE VEARS iu v\.n:ajau-l of Iuter*LLujd S:e.iaier». "ffer* hū servut?s as PILOT T0 ANV . port or landing in the Haw liian Island&. £ t?* Best of referenees, inv}uire at office of 3. S. Walkkk over Si'reckel s hank, or ! \Vright Bko>., Fort Street. fcb I4 tf. W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit ]Mercliant Campbell Fire-proof Blork, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street. - Honolulu Families, PIantations aml Shipaj supplietl witb choicest Euwpean &American Groccries California Protluce by Every Ste\iner.

iUST ARRIVED, V* lr*9 1* <t i »1 B1BY • CARRIAGES CF ALX, STYLES, CAKPETS, IS TI1E LATEST l‘VTTEUN'S. HOUSEHOLD" Se\vino- Machines O Haxd Se\ving Machines, Witb the Latest Iniprovetnent»'^r3 PAELOK Organs, Guitars, Ao<l OtherMusical Iastmments, \\’ines, Liqiiors, Beer ALWAVS ON’ UAND, \XD FOR S.V1,E BV ED. 90FF8CHLi EGER 1 C0. King St.. oppo. C*stle A Oooke’*

Long: Branch BATH IN G Establlshment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Re.sort hns been enlarged and is now opeu to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjot' a bath and there is no better plaee to lav ott. S|iecial aeeomm(Klations for Ladies Tramcars pass the door every half hoar and on Saturdays and Sundays ever) fifteen roinutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. JUST RECEIVED frora JAPAN Se v eral Kind of Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shlrts īa ditferent qoaliues. A$oftment of por*ceIain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Cunos soitable for Christm»s Goods. 411 KING STBEET, Hooohaia. B»U 474. F.O. Bo» MatwlM4. mAi lu»

Wing Wo Tai & Co. Xo. 211 Xuu ma Sirret. coMM'SSioN Mēi\ch^NTS, Impr>rters aad Detka in Gh'y L MERCI!A SDISE. Fine Manila Cij;ars, Chiuese and Jap«neseCrock’n, w re. M »tt -’g', Va.ses of ull kintLs, CunQi>horw»aKl Trnnks, Kattm Ch«irs, u Fine A.-»sorti.>ent of S.iks, Best Brands of Chint»e auJ Ja|w»ne>o Teas of Lntest J mp«’rtiiticns. iti!>pectiua of New tjovda lltspectfal!y So!icited. Motaal Tel. 266. P. O. Box 158. WO CHAN & Co. x Merchant Tailor King'street, Thofaas’ Block, 'next’door to Holomna!office. . Ali Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes C leaue*] an*l P.epaire<L