Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — A Concert. [ARTICLE]
A Concert.
Prnfessor Bergerand the amiahle lady who j>resides ovcr the Kawaiahao school and who has brought the singing of the children up to the efficlancy disp!ayed last night, are deserving of great credit. The singing girls of the Kawaiahao S?minary rank today among tbc very best choirs in the wor!d. T!ic Concert given last Saturday i r the o!d Stone Gburch was anineilemen for evervbody p(tronizmg the Haw.iiian race,” to eoine t*) the front and show appreciation by “piying for songs ” The singing of the giris was simp’y beaut tul. Th * asaistance of the Turners w«s all t’:iat could be expectcd. W’e d > not prop->s to enter upon a musical criticism on u iurmerly la!eiited artist who is found will ng to help along a genuine!y good purpose as the Kawaiahao Seminary. But we do sty, (basing our opinion on the great muslcal knowledge whieh we happen, to possess) that girls and especially wou!d-be musicians, sbouid stop sit ging wheu their voices become “old” “aalhm-lie” “weakly” and “out >>f years,” altogether.