Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HA.WA.il holopa, IS PUBLISHED Every A_fternoon ESCEPT SUXDAY BY THE Holomua PublishingCo. At King St, (Tbomas block), Honolula, H. I. SUBSC?JPTION. per Monlh, 50 Cts. The paper is <lelivt ted by Carriers in the town aml stiburbs. Sinde Copies for Sale at ths Xews Deniere and at the Office of pablication. EDMUND NORR!E, - - Editor ABRAHAM FeRNA VDEZ, - Manager XOTIGE. All Business ComnuirVations shonl<’ addressod to Ahniham Feruandez, . r ( ‘ , lulu, H. I. Correspondeuee f nd C on, finni«»tion8 {of pubhcation should be ndd- esst . d U) tbe E, litor Hawaii Holomua. I 0 notice will paid to anv anonymous jommunications. 33usiness Cards A. T. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honoluln Hawaiian Islands. CHABLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahumnnu Street, Honolulu Hawaiiau Islands. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNF,Y AT LAW. 314 Mercbaut Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telepbone 415. |CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, # ATTOENEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offic«. 01d Capitol Building, (Honolnln Halo), adjoiniug Post Office, Honolnln. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY at law, 306 Mercbant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. 1S0. Residence 67, JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, Office, corner King 4 Bethel Sts. IJEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate aud Geuei , al Auctioueer. Corner FortJand Quecn Streets, Honoluhi Personal attention given to Sales of Furniture, lieal Estate, Stock aud Oeneml x |Merchandise. Mutnal Tclephone 23S.

A. ROSA, attobney at law. No. 16 Kaahumanu St. , Honolulu Hawaiian Islanda.