Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We 4o not boJd onr««lTjs rwpon»ib!« for th« opūi : OBs ot the alwnnm af at j coTTwpo«kdenis.] EdITOB H0L03fT.\: Jndging bv the action of the Chinese, the P. G. annexationists and boycott> are likely to be repaid in their own eoin. Ever since Jannary 1893, the boycott has heen the chief weapon of the P. G. cnrwd. and they have worke«d it for all it is worth. I know for a fact that several Royalist storekeepers have been iutervīewed bv dopntations from the Anne\ation C!nb. and told that if they wonldn’t sign the Annexation Club roll they wonld be boycotted. These store keepers refnsed nnd have s’nce been boycotted by the missionary gnng, bnt nevertheless tbey are still alive. Again, the boycott hasbeen strictlv enforced against government officials. and still another e\ample of the dirty low spite of the P. G.’s was that of forcing J. 0. Carter to resign his position. Now, isn’t it ab >ut time that a little retaliation shonld be tried. The royalists on these islauds—native and white—far outnnmber the P. G’s. What ī reconimend is for everv loyal native and white raan. inchuling their wives and children to deal only with those firras who have shown by their actions during the past twelve months that they are loyal to this coilntrv. 13ny yonr groj ceries, clothes, shoes, etc, frora | l loyalists. If you have to consult ’ j a lawyer, there are gnod loyalists : to be fouud, and if the services of a doctor are required thare are also st:iuiich loyalists i» that pro- ; j fession. Show a determiiied front to oni’ eneraies, and let . them feel through their purses that they are not “everybody” in this country, but that a large majonty of the people are loyal ito Hawaii-nei. The native news»apers sueb as the Holomua, Ka I.eo anel Makiainnna that have been doing such good work for the cause, should impress npon theirs reader tbe importance of dealing with those, firms only who aro loyalists. VlTAT EeOĪNA.