Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Points Abont Stamps. [ARTICLE]

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Points Abont Stamps.

W'e passecl a few remarks in u former issue in regard to the peculiar “tleal” whieh has been tif:uisacte(l between clerks of the P.ost Oiliee ami the “unsuspectiftg’’ “innocent lookiug” Hawaiian Stump Co., (not incorporatoel). W'e clesiro now to say that we have been informed iu a manner whieh is nearly aathorative that Mr. J. Mort O »t, the postmastergeneral is not a party implicated iu the transactions of the S!iid o )mpany. The clerks of the p)st offiee, ag,iinst whom we h ive no eomplaini, are oponly accused of muking a good profit out of the chances whieh are presented to them through the latest crazy fake of the philato lists. W’e trust and hope that the P. M. G. will read tbe following advertisement and then ponder: \ C0MPLETE SET OF THE HAWAIIAN rnovisioNAL oovehnment STAMP8 21 in set, will be sent to any address, post free during the next two montbs, for Send remittauce by Money Ordor or by greenbacks in registered letter. The 2 cent vermiiiou surcharg ed stamps we will send to anv address for only $1.35 eaeh. purchased one ihird of tht enth-e U*ite of the*e sUtmps from the Po*tmasler-General. Beware of counterfeit snrcbarges. HAW'AIIAN STAMP C0. Honolnln. Hawaiian Islands.