Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anchor-:-Saloon E s • AVSTRALIA. Another Invoice of the orhl Ronowne<l 0* Lauer Beer Oa dr.iaght aml by tbe keg. Also. as a Spocialty, SMALL FRESH CAUF0RNIA 0YSTERS, KOll COCKTAXLS fe‘2*2 lra T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU st., Honolulu, : ' tl* I* GENERAL axo Commission -5-;?: Merchants — AND — SUGAR FACT0RS. ;AGENTS F0R Lloyds ;— British aiul Foreign Marine Insuranee Company, Limited. Northern Assurance Co, tire & life. Pioneer Liue of Packets from Lfverpool. ’lawaiian Line of Packets. Canatlian Paeiūe Eai!way Co. axd CaaaliaB-Aūstralian steamsbig Co. Liverpooi. OFFiCE:The Albany, 01dHallSt. febl6-3m MORTGAGEE'S notice of FORECLOSCEE. 1 1 IN ACCOKDANCE WII H THF. PI<OVISions of a certain niort"age made ht KAUHANE NAKL INA to WM.C. ACHI, dated ths 5th day of November 1891, reoorded i-i Liber 131, page 373, and duly assignetl to I.an Chong, notice is hereby given that the mortgnge« intends to foreclose the same for conditious broken, to wlt; non-payment of interest and pnneipal. Xotice is likewise giveu that after the ex- \ piration of three weeks from the date of this . uoliee, the pronerty conveyed bv s«id mort- ! gage will be advenised for <=alē at pnhlio | Hiielion at »ho auelion ruoms of Tumes F. MorgHU, in Honolnln, ON WEDXESDAY the 14th day of March, 1894, at 12noon, of i -aid day. Date.l Honolnln, Febrnary 13, 1891. LAU CHONG, Assignee of Moftg.igee. The premi*es covere<l by said mortgn*-e , eonsist of—4 acres sitnaUs m Humoa, Haua, ! Mani. ani conveye<i to said murtg;i-or bv Kahiwa, hy deed dated the 29th dav of AnaQJ reconled in Liber 83. i.auea 102 and 103. febl7-3w | - LANDS AT AUCTI0N.

' !rtue of an order issued by tlie Conrt through tue Chief Jnstiee, Hon. A. F. Judd, in to tbe Case of WILLĪAM M ATSON et al. agaiust Dav>:d \\Htson, there wi!l be sold at tubl»c Auction, at the Anction liooma of James F. Morgan at 12 oeloek noon, on MONDAY March 19. 1894. All those pre’ mises sitnated at Eaneohe Kooaupoko, Oa(iQ; more licolarl_v des.gn«tc<l as lollowa to wit: ? .) 3.80-100 acres i 4.21 •• \* >T ? 37.96 •• Lot 4 7.35 •• Lot 5. Lot 6. Lot 7. • 20 acres .20 •• 20 Lot 8 54 Lot 9 . 00 **** y All are parts of those p^emi^ea n Ka “eh a meba rT 2». 1862, and recorded m Title perfect. ‘ he eipeMea ot u*« the Commissīoner’ or to f ° f 8. M. KAAHKAI. Hoaolola, F.b. *uSr oB * r ’