Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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noKT(aca.i;M xotick OF l'OKEi'LOMUHE, lu acoor.lanoewith the prorisions of a eniiHiu MorUcage, bv LOSE OPr. FFXK aml li. K. NAMAKĀ. to 8AMUEL C. DWIGHT, Trn>tee, fiate.l lGth of FebRriKY, 18it2, recorded in Liber 12S). paae 4VJ, notioe w ben;by giren that the iKtiuten.ls to forct 1- .*e the satne for eonojtu>us broken. to wit: non-pavtuent of 1 nneipal an-,1 lnten~t when due. Noiiee !s hke«ise «iveu that aftev the expir.iUon of thnx.- we. ke froa. the <L:te f of .i t ‘ I , s no ' , ' > - the Prupertv convered by Mid Mortgage will tx- ndvertteed for sale a’t j"^‘ c p nc ‘ ion ’ •* tbe . Auehon Ilooin of the - . , t>th d*y of MAUUH IS<« at 12 n-.ion of «ai.l dav. ’ ’ Furlber particalan, e&n be had of Wv r A' HI, AtU>riir>' at Law. Date.l Honolnln, Fcb. 27. 1SW iiAMUEL C. DWIGHT. Trnstee. Mortgagee. The pretnises ouvered by ihe s*id Mort S»g». consist of : 3 Mort * All tho««; pretnises situated at Kamakela. A * nd pLrh.ularlr descnl*d i« M of UmL ¥ Mi>rg»n, to s*id Lose Oponele daici i«»h 1882. and 23B faliS? ,S - aa arta of 2I5.|ooo ot premises ™ crhed m Koyal Pateut, Xo |9>j r r , 62«. to Kelaeokeko. f -r m*r A--3t dlr WANTED The fo!lowing untul>ers of the Holokua: 1333 m .. 592 Ten cents a copj of eaeh nomber will be paii at the Holomua office. II J- PHĪIX1PS. nuenen, Pi.rs.BEB, oi&mn ooppEE-&urrH, EST Hooae and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King $treet. Honolulo.