Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — A Pertinent Question. [ARTICLE]

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A Pertinent Question.

— M hile we are pleitsed to see any uewspaper man out of a scrape under tbe very peculiar criminal lihel law of tbis coantry, we canuot refrain from asking the learned attorney general. how it is that Mr. W. G. Stnitb ag »inst whom five (5) charges of libel wero preferred, goes scott free while tbe single caso of libel i brought on by the brother-in-i law of the attorney general) . ag!iiost the editor of the : Holomua is “continned till next term.’’ Will Mr. W. O. Smitb iuform tbe puhlie why j “indictments against W, G. Smith were not presented?’’