Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hit the Bug. [ARTICLE]

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Hit the Bug.

To-night the Americ*n Leapae {is c»lling for assisUnce. The jnembeTS are goicg to be into fold of P- B. Smith throngh the of Joseph Mj*rs«len (boly Jcx5epb. tbe man is a cockney from \tnerics) an.l the inJefatigable rt:lroad spvmter Benj*mm wbere is the rest of the tribe) Dillingham. We hope tha* Mir?den makeu SJCce?sfol circas of the bas:ness and be ■ willing to u.' I the opposition up and amalgamate the “party’ aad ihe Leagae. When he pets turongh dropping his H's) pearls of eloqnenee, we will reoommend him to smg the fdlowing soug composed by a native friend of ours: i What will heeonae oi Jear Hawaii, ! |f the P. 0-’s g*in ti»e iUr. W> 1 h*ve lo !e*ve » "r Xative home ' And «uigrate »w»r. To !et ihoee Gcspel sharp«TS That has rv’bbe.;l os ...’er ua ; o -r, I Come bor r and do jnsl wh*! tney like Cjx)a oar K»tive >hore So !et ,- .s slick tojp?tber boys VfhiL-t we bave got a shj. Aod show those P. G. Pirates They hare not won the dsy. j W'ell stay as one together, i So let ns all staud by And show thcse P. G. Pirates. W'e are Nauvts oi Hiwaii Tbey landed here »11 destitate With Bibles in tbeir hands, To civilize the N'atives Ot these Hawaiian lands. They pre«ched as gospel sharpers Thc.r religioas sort oi trash, ' Like oll their kind they did it I To take in the Kative’5 c;ish. Now they own plantation» And roll in weallh today. They turned traitors to their Bible« ; Those wor»!s are tme I s »y, Kaeh statement here that I have tnade 1 Those preachers can’t deny, We know they've swindled thousands, ! From the N itives in Hawaii. I They have ruu us lotg enough my boys, I We stood it one and all. 1 I thiuk it’s time we stopped them | Belore a sad downfalI, ; TLiuk of yonr homes and families, : So let os ull stand by J And show those P. G. Pirates W'e still live in Uawaii. A Native.