Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The P. G’s have senttheHoLO .'Mea an ‘a»l, Wbat a surprise' It was believed that there was a motive iu the Tiser's pat this morning aml now we know it. But hokl! great Heavens! in the i one hand they furnish us with labor and tlien with closed fist thev demand six months credit!! ; Great C'aesar! what uerve! all of c*ir yalists cnstomers are poor but bonest and pay tluir bills ou demand, but. tho socalled representatives of the wealth and mtelligence of the ' comraunity want and in fact | order credit. Great is Sam Damou as a financier Billv Allen aud the Banning estate. To-dav is the anniversarv of | the Boston raassacre of 1770 when bljck roau’s (Attnck) blood dowed in 8tate ,treet. of the Hub city, in defense aud for the benetft of the “P. C. Jones” people of that city. A ceuturv und a qnarter later, we fiud the ‘ P. C. Jones” people, over 5,000 rai!es away from home and trvinc to squeoze the life, libertv and nalional prestige out of a £>roi/->i mm in the mid-Pacific. Tempu* iuu(cmter ei oiuuiu relavet.
Anutheb monarch has been cre.itcil by the leameU Attornev General omitting, neglecling, declining or refusing to present in«lictniente against his latelv arriveJ namesake who has sō socce?sfullv engineered Rats into a hole. Grea+ is Smith an.l hiting is his prophet.
i Theee were four steerage pa>sengers by tho steamer W arrimoo, 11 for this port, from the Colonies! 1 antl were examined before l ; being ailowed to Iand. by the authorities, as to their abflity to | support themsolves. The pass- ! engersacquitted themsekes satisi *actory of ihe impatation that they were vagrante and were allowed to land by their libertyloving examiners. If the Pilgri m Fathers had bad been put througb the same ordeal on landing in America there wonld be little! ehanee for any of them ever having the hialoiieal recordsthey ! hare ainee obtained.