Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 Malaki 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Anchor-:-Saloon E>: “AUSTRALIA.” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FredericksburoLaixer Beer Ou dranght arul by tbe keg. Abo, as a Specialty. | Su*ll Fresh Caufors a 0YSTERS, FOR COCKTAlLS f«22 lm T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST. f Honolulu, : : H. I. GENERALand ' Coiumission -Mt Merehants SUQAR FflCTORS. AGFNTS FOK Lloyds :— l!ritish aiui Foreign Manne Insnranee Company, Limited. Xorthern Assnrance Co, tire & life. Pioneer Line of Packets from Lfverpool. ■H.awaiian Line of Packets. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. a»d Canafiian-Anstralian Steamslilp Co. Liverpooi. Okkice: The Albany, 01.1 nallSt. fehl6-3m j " MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE 0F FORECLOSURE. IX AOGORDAXCE WH H THF. PROVISions of a certain niortg»ge made by KAUHANE XAKUINA to \VM. C. ACHI, datcd tbe 5th day of Xovemlx-r 1891, recor.led in Liber 131, page 373, and dnly assigned to I.an Choug, uotice is hereby given that the mortg gee intends to foredose the same for conditions broken, to wlt: non-payment of interest and pnueipal. Noliee is likewiae giveu that after thc exI piration of three weeka from the datc of this notice, the property conveyed by said mortI gage will be advenise<l for «ale at pnhlie anelion at the anelion rooms of |ames F. Morgan, in Uonolnln, OX WEDXESDAV, • the Uth day of March, 1894, at 12 noon, of ! said day. Dat«d Houolnln, Febrnary 13, 1894. LAU CHONG. Assignee of Moftgagee. The premises covered by said mortgage comust of—4 acres »ituate in Humoa, Uaua, Mani. and conveyed to aai.I irorur«gor by Kalawa. by deed elalel th. 'J9th ’ v <>f Angnst, 18 9 3: aud recorde !ia Liher 8!1. pages Ī02 and 1U3. febl7-3w

LANDS AT AUCT!ON. By virtne o( an onler issned bv the Coort through the Chief Jnstice. Hon. A. F. Judd, in regard to the Case of WILLIAM WATSON et al. against David Watson, there will be sold at Pnhlie Auction, at the Auction Uooms of James F. Morgan. at 12 o'eloek noon, on MONDAY, March 19. 1894. All those premises situateil at Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, Oahu; and more particnlarly designated as follows. to wit:

f° T J 3.80-100 acres 2 421 “ 3 37.96 “ L*™ 4 7.35 “ a part«of RoyaI Patent 1 <-4 to Panl F. Manini. acrea t Lot 6 20 Lot 7 20 L° t 8 54.50 9 54.50 All are parts of tboee premises conveyed by Kamehameha IV l^ Da^ d b y deed d**ed P®c- 29, 1862, and recorded Ll i® T 16 * P*» 68 127 and 128. TiUe perfect. Deeds ai tbe expenaes of tbe Pnrchasers. For fnrther particulars apply to Williah C- Achj, Attorney for the Comm issioner, or lo * 8. M. KAAHKAI. Commiaaioner. Honololu, Feb. 23,1894. m