Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 Malaki 1894 — A Detective. [ARTICLE]
A Detective.
If a man is an acknowledgecl failure as a po1itician an«i about tbe same as a lawyer it raust be a I conso!atiou for him to appear as a deteotive aiui—faii. Ofcuorse we bave no referenee to the j “partner” of Grerfham. the ‘ eon- : verter” of Hoke Smith. the promoter of “niggers” and the fat boy of the doctor, bnt, sometbing very sitnilar to him was dodging around the cabins and corners of the AustraUa this noon bobbing his brown hat, and his eye-glasses in a vain searcb of a lihelle in a dii*orce case. Xever mind Charlie—she will be ’ cart;er)ed away anvhow.