Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 Malaki 1894 — Stamp Collectors not Wanted. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Stamp Collectors not Wanted.

The postm««tcr at Portland. Or?-pon. w -.s rece:tl.* c*"»mpelled to disch*«r«.-d two Cl *rks frora ♦be Po«!Ul .-.in'iee, by onlers from W&shington. Complaints baving been made of letters. papers and packages being received with the stamps detached. An investigation was onlered. resa!tiug in discovering that the two clerks were collectors of stamps, and bad frequently thrown , papers and packages. addressed to people who were nnknown to tbem, int*o the waste b-isket and

ipprnpriating the stamps. Colambia st tmps of tho higher de norainations wen* the favorites th'ese coilectors. Perhaps in this connection, it woul.i not be am;ss to have an iuvestig ition in our own postoffice. It is commonly believed lhat the Postmaster General is connected witb a stamp company, and some stamp dealers have heen heanl to remark that the company had a previous knowledge of the supply of certain stamps being nearlv exhausted, tiid was thus unabled to speou-

iate in advance of other dealers. We rnay here eall the attention of the minister of finance and government generally to the fact that it isoneof the most sti ingont rnles of the Iuternational Postal L’nion tbat uo stamp cnllectors or stamp dealers or stamp sjh.‘ciilators sba)l be emp!oytd by auy

governmeut whieh joiu the Union. The attenti 'U of the ho.dquarters has been called in reg ird to the action of the Hawaiian Postmast< r-Generul, and will undoubtedly be acted upon very promptly. In connection witb this we ean state, that a now dodge is be;ug played for the benefit of the “elose stamp corporation.” lt seems that by an error, iuteutional or otherwise, i the five-ceut stamps have been issued without the C. being printed after the numeral figure. It is uow proposed, we nnderstand, to add ttie C. and the stamps already sold without that letter—Or ?nOst. litoly «lot(*incd — will heeomo of great value among the ordiuary Aeml^.

The Adverliser has again inilulpeil in its us’ial unprofessional and couteniptible tactics of prejudping a case yet sub Ju<lice aud atte:npting •to eniist the sympathy of tlie coinmunitv for a party in such case. In its

report of the Cartwright divorce case, the language nsed was undoubttdly iuteuded to create sentiment for the libellant although the case was hardlv yet started. It is about time for the Court to iuterfere with such a gross breach of deceucy and rebuke the moruing Ananiaa publiclv.

One of the reasons wby a laiee number of tradesmon desire to go back to the old oi*der of thiugs is that the people who were in the ; I employ of the monarchy spent their money freely and circulated 1 i it in a liberal manner while the birds of passage, eow employed, salt down every bean they make, aud as soon as they have milked tho goverument eow drv, depart with their savings and deprive the conntry of so mueh capital. The mouey spent by them for absolnte necess ties is spent in i the Chinese stores. Even the i clothing for the military is eontraoteil for b\ Chinese, and vou i ean bet that someboily gets a oom:nissiou somewhere. M*y we ask of store keepers frora Tregloan \ i down to Mclnerny how mneh they have made from the p . G.’s, and how mueh they took out of ' the now dcspised supporters of the monarchical governtnent' when they "-were in office? The j answer would be botb enlightening and very characterst e.

Mr. Johx Vitas is evidently | oat of sight in Hawaiian polities. Tbe yonng maa who alwnys has been at tbe beck and eall of tbe missionaries has met his Water loo and his coontrymen know him no more. At the Union party meftiug. only three (3) ' , Purtugaese were mduced to sign | the roll and for two of them the

almighty qoestion of bread and bntter was the immediate canse. At tbe same time a large nnmber of Portngnese are joining the Antrican League, the door of whieh is hermetica lr c!esed to Mr. Vivas and sitni ar toadies to ‘ the mLssionaries. The A‘htr*l-ier sa\*s that S. M. Damon has written sometbiog encouraging Kindergartens. We shonld have tbongbt that His Exce’lency had enough by this time of Kindergartens withont writing pamphlets abont them. Between tbe one establUhed in the Palaee—of whieh he is a teacher every T!mrsday—nnd Tim Mnrray’s on Nuuann Street, he ought to have «il that he possiblv ean attend to in that line.

The Star was wonying tbe day, becanse the Holqmi*.v ngain»t the I nion Purty— ‘ uot being iuvited to join it.’ Tbanks brother Smith. M hen the dav comes upon whieh, wo, the “people,” euter into Hawaiian politics a very small chillv corner will be suftreieut to hokl that abortive miuority known as tbe Uuion Party. The wreck of the “Hi!o” on the point of Keauhon should be an incentive to the governraeut to plaee ligbthonses on the most promiueut aud the most dangerous point ous our islauds. It is a pity tlab so very little has ever been done here to ensure safetv and help to vessels sailing about these islands. If the governraent would spend some of the money now wasted on W. O Smith’s spies aiul Soper’s merceuaries, ou puhlie improvements sav by bnilding lighthouses, the couutry woukl be better of. aud the people woukl respect the goverument and make all “violent acts” unnecessarv.

From the sentimental side of the question the uewspapej; men of this city have sbown themselves to be all gentlemeu bv T their absenting themselves from the divorce caso of Cartwright vs Cartwright, but, did they do their dutv to tho public? The geueral pnblic of this cit3*, especially those who at preseut have the eoin and conseqnent opportunity to shine in the select circles of the Honolnlu kon ton are tbe patrons of the papers and there is nothing whieh please them bet ter than to muinhle amogst themselves, in missionary manner, the filth whieh is genera!ly prominent in such cause ce!eWe as tbat above mentioned. The newspaper men are, as shown, gentlemen; but are they not somewhat cowardly. They do uot dare to present the cbaracter of any man or woman who is 1 i:ible to have active chamj)ions ' but the67arand Adrertiter did dare snccessful to attack the character of people who had uo champions. There is, however, another divorce case, set for the nearfuture and open doors will mean publi catk>n by the Holomua.