Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 March 1894 — No Missionaries Wanted. [ARTICLE]

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No Missionaries Wanted.

“A man cannot serve two N >r e m a man belong to two politicd organiz«tions whieh are based on ditferent principles, although, ostensib1v wurking for the same object. The American League will not support the so-called Union Party. Tbe Amerioan Lnague is composed of a ndical elemenl who believe in popular rights and do not pro puse tu fa 1 into the toi!s of the missionanos. The League opened its do *rs to a number of tho socalled oonservative Americans, lmt nnder the sheep’s wool it shortly fouud the missionary wolf. Tho Uuion Party is created by the missi naries for the purpose of defeating the radical clcment. Tiie members of it are dependent in somo man

uor or otb**r on the mis.sionaries. aml if Hie Union Party was to get control tlu nulieal eleiuent and the j>oonle woulil onee raore be snowad nndor. The plan was not verv ingenious uor carried out vory cloverIy, and the League tu:ubled to tue 1 ittle game vory rapidly. Tho proptr aeiiou of the Lo;ui **ww to Oounee every nioniber who joius the Union Party, and tbereby show.s his servility auel allegiance to the missionaries. The defeat of D. 11. Smith w.is a gooil indication of ihe j>riueiples of tbe Uuion Party, whieh is, to down the League if possible. Apnarently Mr. Sinith's n.ime was well reooived, but the fact is thut h* wasu’t wanted, and will uol be elected. The pr$teose that ho wus defeated, because he was under a secret onth is ali bosh. Tbe conservatives headed by tbe Advertiner waut to seo J. B. Atbertoa in tho Councils—and ho will get thore. The inlluenee aud powerof tbo m ssioua'ries ean ba o.isily d scerned by uolicing the change of toue in the Shir. Tue editor of th »t paper oue of the chatupious of tlie League. be as tha resolute advocate of radical sm aud ho iusisted in the Councils followiagthe dictates of the '‘j>eoj»lo.” lie is uow an ardent advocato of tbe Uuion Party, and be evid ntly believes iu couservat»sni and m»ssionartes. We do not care to look int» bis tuot ves for this sudden somerBauit. Tbe liuHueialatiairs of his newsj»aper would faruish a satisfactory explauatiou of it. It won’tdo, you know, to step on the toes o» the meu who do the "diggiug” en Saturday, and Mr. W. G. Smitb—the former id.>l of , the radicals—proves himself to ’> be of very ordinary clay, and as j niuoh a worshipj>or of t .e goidencalf as auy missiouary is. In tl»e ineaulime we believe that the ; Amenoan League reiuforced as ’ it is tod.ay by the Portuguese, aud iu case of dire noccssity by l the Htwaii.»ns will staud drm, ; aud refnse to become a playthtDg for the psalm siaging capitalists whose pol»tical record is that of '*suckiug the orange and dhrow. iug away lbe peal.” 5

Minister Willia ia I«lely becoraiog more in f»vor with ihe ‘power* that be’ a»id witb the ‘iui88tunary elemenU’ Hr.»in8 will teil and the **blue gr.iBa,” lovely womeu. sod g *d whiek 1 »' *ud ric*-h rsea of Ke<>tuoky li\v* i*-ft iheir rec rd io u>« auuaia of hietjry btfure to 4 lay.