Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 Malaki 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

X3u.siness C n^'f3s W. IiCF ASLAHE 4 C(L Izipcrters and Commissiori ]\Sachants l Honolnla. - Hawaiian Tslands THOMAS LINDSAT, Ma nnfaetu ring' Jewelei and Waicfimaker, MoInerny Block, 405 Fort St.. Honolnle. HAEEI80N BEOS.. rr COXTBACTOES AND BUILDEKS,! 208 Fort St., Honoluln. 1 MEECHANT’S EXCHANQE. S. I. SHAW, PROFRurroR, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE BEER . Corner of Ki«g aud Knuanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honoluln. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Husiīii-ss o( a Fidnci*ry Xntnro Trsnsacte<i. f’roiupt attention piveu to tbe nnmageineut of Estates, GuKrdianships, Trusts, etc., etc., etc. Offi.ces, : Cartirright Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. “FAT BOY." 8AL00N !| P. McISERNY, Froprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines ancHBeer. Cor.vek Bethel axo Hotki. Sts. PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corner King and Nunanu Streets. EPW. \VOLTfc K.... Manager. The Fiuest seleciion of LIQUOKS and BEEIR, sold anywhere in the town. Fin>t-class atteadence. Call and jndge for yourself. no SO-tf. lCmpire SaIoon, JAMES OLDS, Proprie' or. Fine Beer, ALWATS ON HAXD. Corner Nnuanu and Hotel Streets Heil Telephonc 3S1. Po«t OfBce Box 32. W.W. WRIGHTASŪN n : a .v U *i In Ali. 1ts Bsaxches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. 79 and 80 King ,8t, Honolaln