Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 March 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HWH HOLOP^, IS PUBLISHED Every JVfternoon OCEPT »rVDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At KingSt. (Thomas block), Honolalu, H. I. STJBSCSIPTIO*T, per Month, 50 C:s. Tbe pa;-f r is delivtre>l by Carriers in the town and irabnrln. Mngle Copie« f>r Sale at tbe New» Dealtrs an<l at tne UfEce of publicatiou. EOUUHO NORRIE, ■ ■ Editor ABRAHAM FēRIVA\DEZ, ■ Manager \()TICE. AU Bn*ines* r<)inmur1c*tion.« thonld be ad<iresse<l to Abrubam Fertmudez, Honolulu, H. I. C<iire*ipon<ience and Conunnnications for pnbIication sbouI<i beaddiwaed to tbe Editor ilawaii Holomua. No noiioe will be paid to »ny «nonymous oommunications. Bus:iness Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTDRNEY AT LAW. Office: 11.1 Kaabu’uftnr ?troet, Houuluia Hnwaiiau Islands. CHARLES CEEIGHTON, ATTORXEY AT LAW. Office; 11.1 Kaalinmunn Street, Honolnln Hnwaiian Islauds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Stroet, Honolulu. Mutual Tolephono 415. 1CLAKENCE W. ASHFORP, ATTORNET AND OOUNHELLOK AT LAW. Offioe. OU Oapiioi Build : ng, (Honolnln ’lale), adjoiuing !\>st t>ffice, Honolulu, £ J. M. DaVIDSON. ATTORNKY AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., OAiee (Mutual) Tel. 180, Rosidence 67. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe, corner King & Bothel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estiite and General Auctioneer. Corner Furtjaud Quecn Streets, Honolalu Personal atteution given to Salee of Furnituro, Roal Estate, Stock and Goner«l Merchaudiso. Mnlua! Tclwpbone 33$ A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumuuu St., Houolulu, Hawaiian Islauda.