Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 Malaki 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The concert in aīd of the Kaī *si#hto Seicinan’ takes piaee ; to-night Tbe P. G. band. H. Herger j leader concertize*i this ahemoon in Emma sqnare. The general pablic made plaint yesterday against mnd, today it is comp!aining against dast. Hon Cecil Brown of tbe Ad : visory Couneil went forward to j San Francisco by the Anstralia todav. I Wind strong N. E. today, weather pleasant All the liags displayed give evidence of the wiud power.

The f riend of March is out and the reverend (!) editor continnes his assumption of the character of a loeal **gentlemau in black.”

Mr. Eobert Halstead of Waialua goes forward to day by the Aastralia to have a look at his landed interests in San Francisco and vicinitv.

Tbe Australia departed at noon for San Francisco fully laden with sugar and bananas and with a very large number of passengers. Two officers and nine seamen of the disabled vessel, also W. C. Michulich a passenger, arrived in port here on the W. G. Hall yesterday afternoon. — More Hawaiian stamps of the regular, not bastard, issues were sold at Morgan's auction room yesterday afternoon. Prices were lower than at previous sales. An attempt has been made to boom tbe sale of the new 5 cent stamps. People shou!d buy two 2 cents and one 1 cent stamp and they ean reach the same end and have more of a variety.

Mr. Arther Johnstone has resigned his position as Associated Press representative at Honolulu and has been succeeded by Mr. J. Walter Preston city editor of tbe Advertiser. The clouds gathered thickly at last nights meeting of the Ameriean League. Shillellahs were very near, at one time, being trumps. Neither president nor secretary look well this morning.

Hawaii‘s heritage, tbe Volcano of Kilauea is now in pronounced activily. Visitors to tlie Volcano house may view the peculiar pyrotechnic displays at breakfast, lunch and dinner without extra charge Rear-Admiral Irwin is still with us and his non partisanship makes it a pleasure to note his continued presence. He has proved himself to be an excellent representative of that whieh eonstitues an oflicer, and naturally gentleman, of the U. S. Navy. The Admiral’s family who have been rusticating here left by the steamer Australia for San Francisco. Aloha aml pleaasant pas sage.