Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — NAME THE WINNER. [ARTICLE]
P. G. ts the secret Lea^ue.» A» tbe Hol*’*xtta has previoosly presenteU in iLs colmuns the Provisional Gorernment now dnd themselves in a most ludicrons. not to say, for them. verv serious jx>sition, by reason of the ded- 1 anee of the secrect League, whīeh was given prestige. unlawfully, ; by their a ; d, and the defection amongst the members. of in le- , pendeut spirit, in their own councils; all on aeeounl of tbe non-election of one of theSmith's to a seat in the eoaneil The short but sharp battle fongh{ ye»terday in tbe e*: uncil-session Las, for the time being. set-back i the power amgated to itself by thesecr-ct League whieh, but a [ short time since had the audacity j j to onler the councils and were ; not then, dared to be, deuied. A still briefer period has elapsed since the secret Leagoe captur■ed tlie annexation club rneeting j and forced the L“agae’s single and sole nominatdn throngh that meeting. A politically amutearish atternpt to checkmate the League nomination was made by the so-callod representatives i of the “wealth aml intelligence” (?) of the conntry whieh liold, by I the dominating intiuenee of l'nele ! Sam, seats and legislative power i Iiu the eouneil», ln- nominating i two other geutlemen for candid- ■ ’ae}'of the vacant chair. Tliat ! movemeut was ki!lod iu its in- ! eeption, both nominees of tbe | eouneil declining the donbtful ; lionor. TV hat a display of states- : 1 manship! sans senso, mns, i | bonesty, *‘i.ns braverv, *ans ! everything! And now a last | resort, a more unsettled position; the councils defy the League an l ' vote against its candidute and the chair is yet vacant! Mr. Sam Damon, \vbose play to j the Hawaiiau gallery re garding his clerks is \et well remernbered, coraes now to the fore in a plav t > the * * galler3 T of tlie secret League, | vvhites this timo, and again nominates the League candidate. } N T ow tbe question is, are tbe ! members of t!ie Leagae so devoid ■ of intelligence that they will even applaud that aoting let alone i believe iu the genuineness of the ! clisplayed regard for the poor | “workihgman?” Bah! gentleraen j of the League your cand:date is not in it! T\ hat aro vou 5xcinfj to O O do about it? Beware of the now Russian'sedition act for it inti mates, even if not plainly stated, that all opposition t,i the oligarchists be d—d or the opposers banished, yes gentlemen ha\ished | for six years!