Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
A K£FOEM Las eome o’er the uame of the Annexation dab. but uo change in spirit. Todav, Jaring “discretion the b**tter part of valor they Lave ceased their baying at the moon ol annexation aud now sober!v bark at the “loyal” — mark the wonl, how near to “royal,’— iste to get in line and join the Uuion (of what) party. Ah : but. good gen tlemen. the fable of the wolf in sheep s clothing is well known in Haw.iii and opportunity has also lately beea given to add force to the adage that “all that glittere is not gold.” Tho people, who have the right of the ballot, against your bnllots, ha\e already discovere\l the tinsel and pa$tē and plaiu!y see the forraerlv soowed-nnder wolf of the Reform I arty beneath ihe spreading | shipskiu of the new l'nion( ? ) | P» rt . v Oo get thee to Pearl i River and eommnue with Joe ' Maraden's oyesters