Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — AMERICANISM. [ARTICLE]
As Pract;svd by the Ilawaiian Provisi<«nal G <verninent. We pablisfaed helow tfae latest law wliieh hns eraanated from the crowd who calls theaiselves “Ameneane.” We leave to the j>eople on tho other side of the ! |>oud —to tbe great American peo ; ple— tho an opinionon opj>ortuui tyth : s, the latest,the mostabortive law, jx?rfecb-d, if uot, initiatedby anv man who atone time m!ivhuve beeu areccgniiu>d> fraud aud who ; today may bo a j>erfect shurne. We omit all references to most of tho claasos contaiuod in the ; law whieh we have printed, but i that to whieh we do eall the attou i tionof evenbodv i.s the foIlowinc • r> ! remarks: • • “No provisiou of the Constitution shall beheldto invalidate any of the provisions of this Act.”
sl t!ie leameel Attornev Genernl is eithcr a fool or is ho simpiy crazy? The constitution of tho Hawaiian Islands eviJeut!y recognizeil h\ him reaJ Hiat7 ‘ no law enn bo passecl rei>nynunt to tlie coustition. Now we wouhl like to know how Mr. Smith—the Iearued man —ean paas a hill vio!ating the Hawaiian Constitution anel at the same timo ailvocatiiui a measure whieh virtually does away with the Coustitution nml plaoee the power of law. niakiug unconditionulIy iu thehandsofthe meu who simply reprts»nt monev and raoney, aud raore money. Mr. W. O. Smith hiul better be gin to pnt iu effect his new law. He hus been so eitremely derelict in the legitimate charges against his political opponeuts that he now thiuks that the tirae for actiou has eome. Go ahead, poor ehap! W e will close t!iest' rcmarks b\ quoting Borns’ faim>us wordS: A fig for by Uf protooted Liborty is « glorinus foust CourU for oow.iul* »«re erecte<l C hun Le» built to pl« nse thi* priest. AN Ac'T RELATINO TO DAXGERoC8 PER80XS. 1 e it Enacted by the Executive aml Advisory Oouneila of the Frov;sioual Goveru*neut of the Ha waiian Islauds. Sectiou 1. Auy person iu re lation to whom there is probable cause for believiug that he euter- : taios lawless iuteutions that are hostile to public :>rder. or to the ostablishcd system of government °r to pnvate rights of life, libertv or property, may. upon the eomplaint of the Attorney t.reneral, the Marshal or his deputy, or of any sheriff or deputv-sheriff, be arrestc*d and brongbt before a Circuit Judge, and thore be su:n raarily exaiuined. If, npon ex amination, a j*robsble c*ause for believing that such i*erson entertaiu lawless iuteutions that are host.le to pulilie order. or to the establisbed system of government. or to private rightsof life, liberty or proj>eriy, shall be made ont from evidenee of his words, acts or otherwiae. the borden shall be on the defcudant of ciisapproving snch prt*suraption of entertaining anv such law)css bostile inteutions. lf such presumption is not clisi>roved. tbe Jndge shall Liul that the defendaut is a dangerous prrson, aud shall seutenco Lim to expulsion from the Hawaiian lslands. Providecl, howeyer, that if the Judgo is not eonvinced that such person is a dangorons |>erson in the meaning .^f* B Act, bot faas uvidenoe whieh makes it appropriate that
sacb rei8on shonld be p1aeed ; under restmint for public pro* tectioo. he may iu Lis discretioo order snch f»erson to gire a bocd : in faror of tbe Government, proj portioned to tbe nature of the case, with snfficient sarety, to be approved by snch Judge, that I »och f>erson will not, within one j year, do anything of a !awiess ch»racter h stileto pnhlie safety, or to the estabiished system of government, or to private rights of life, liberty or property. If «ach bond be not f .rnished aecord ng to the order of the J ndge. i the defendvnt >hall be committed I to j>rison. and shall remain in castody until he sha!l farnisb sach bond. • I Sec. 2. Any - j>ereon against whom senteuce of expalsion shall ! have been rendered under this Act. shall be held in confinement by tLe Marslial until there sh.dl be «n opportnnitv for carrviug j out the sentenee. and he sh;»ll not tbereafter be j.er.nitted to i return to the Hawaiiah Islands uutd -.s years have elap.sed from ' the date of the carrving out of i * D tbe seutence of expulsion without the consent of the Executive and Advisory Coancils. And if such ‘ person shall return tothe Hawaiian Islauds befoie the expiratiou <>f six yeare frora the time of his exj»ulsinn, without the consent of the Executive and Advisory j j e'ouneila, he ahall be gnilty of a • rai.sdemeanor, and, U[*on couvic- i t<on thereof before a Circuit Ju<lge or Magistrate, shall be sentenced to imj3risonment at hard labor for a tenn correspond ing to the unexpired hulauee of ! the said term of six years. Sec. 3. In any jiroceeding j ‘ under this Act, the defendant | ; may ajtj>eal frora the findings of the Judge or Magistrate to the Snj>reme Court iu Banco, aml no other aj>peal shall be allowed. Sec. 4. N > person arrested or ’ beld under the j>rovisions of tbis ; Act shall. whi'.e the heaiing of the matt«r is j>euding, be admitt< d to bail excepting uj>on the joint approval of the Circuit : Jadge and the Attorney-General. Sec. ō. No j>rovision of the | Constitution shall be held to invalid ite any of the provisions of this Act. Sec. 6. This Act shall take i vtiect from tbe date of its pub | iieaiion.