Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — The Holomua Record. [ARTICLE]

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The Holomua Record.

" To #}<oi' (hai Ui(lovto/edwcation ’ hae {aL*:t hep xuot amonff the ! nof, '* of tht l*tdnd$ it hmy «urpri*e to knoi' that them "paganā” (!) are well enounh advanced to * .. , I appneiale and euppcirt a daily | j<aper in Uteir v<id*t ihe HA WAII UOLOMUA that, in higk moral j tone , wouW put to ehmne an>j oiu j of onr HoMlon āailiee.' Repreeentative M<>r*e, o/ lioeinn , 1 Ma«e. in the Connre*f/ianal Heeonl. 1