Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE Pro\isional Govennent OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATION UF BUKEADS. EiEcrrtvE Cocxcil. 3. B. Pole, Pres! !ent of the Pir>ri«ion«l Ooverntnent of the Islnnds, aiul Mtni*ter of Foreiro AflUrr. i. A. Kine. >Iinister«f She Tntorlor. >. M. P*mon. Ministorof F1nance. \V. O. 3mlth, Attorney-Generai. Anvr.soRY Cocscil. W. C. Wi’der. Vfee-Pres!iient of the Pmvi>lonai Government of the llawaiian Islands. C. Bo’te, ('eeil Brown, John Xott, John Ena, Janies F. Monnui Fd. 3 hr. Jo«. P. Mendonea. Chas. T. Rodgers, Oouueil». John Emmelnlh. E. D. Tennev. * W. F. Alleh. Henry W»lerhouse, A. Yonne, F. M. Hateh, Secretary Ex. and Adv. Stpeeme Cocbt. Hon. A. F. Jndd, (Tiief Iustiee. Hon, R. F. Biekerton. Fir>t Asgoctate Justiee. Hon. W. F. FreMr, Seeond Associate Justiee. Hcnry Smith. Ch!ef Clerlt. Ceo. i.ue », Depiity Clerk. C. F. Peterson,8ec nd Depnty C!erk. J. Waiter Joues, Steuogruphe'r. ClECCIT JCDGE». First rircult: }» £ £££"*•{ Oahn ?eeond C'reuft: (MmiI) A. X. Kepoīkai. Tli’ni and FonrtbCirc"ita: (Hawall)S. ŪAustin ( Fifth Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hnrdy. Offices and Court-room in Conrt Honse. Kiue street. Sitting in Honnlu>u_The tirst Monday iu February, Mav, August aud St vember. I'EFARTXf..\T or FoRE1GX AFFAIRS, Offiee in Capltol HulUii ig. Klug street. His Excelleney Sauford B. Do:e. Minister o( Foreign v Affairs. Oeo. C. Potter. Secret<ry. W. Hor«ce Wright, I.iouel Uart. Clerks. Drfakimsxtof I.vteriorOffice in Executive Bniidlng, Kiug street. His Excelletiey J. A. King, MInister of Interlor. Chief ClerK. Johi A. Hass nger. Asststa.it C!erks; James H. Boyd. M. K. Keohol'nloie stephen Mahaulu, Ueorxe C. K. ». Edward S. Boyd. Kl'llEAĪ' of Agriccutre anu Forf.stry. President; HLs Exeelleney the Mini»ter of ] Inter!or. Wm. Q lrwln, AlUn Herhert, Johu Ena. J.>seph Marsdea, Commifdonir and Secretary. Ckiefs ofBcrracs. Interior Departmest. SurveyoT-QeneraI. W. D. A!exandcr. Supt. Puhl e Worfcs. W. F. Ro welL Supt. Water W*irks, Andrew Brown. Inspector, Eiectric Lights, John Cassidy. Kcgistrar of C uveyauees. T. G. Thrum’ Koad Superviscr. Ii noluln. W. H i'ummiip. Chief Enginecr Fire Dept., Jas. II. Hnnt. Supt. Ius«ue Asylum, Dr. A. McW»yne. Departme>t of Fisxscē. Office, Exeeutive Bullding, King street, Miuister of Pluanee. Hla Exce!lency 5-'- M. Damon. Auditor-QeneraI, Qe«rge J. Roes. Reslstr-r of A«eeunts, W. G. Ashl“v. Clerk of Finar cc Offiee. E. A. MeIoemy. CoLector-Qcneral nf <'nstoiii. J sS. B. Ca*tle. Tax Assesaor. O-hu, J ■!!«. Sn w. Deputy Tax A*eess->r. W. C. Weedoa. Pustmaster-Qeueral, J. Mort u*t. Cc»toms bcrxac. Office, Custom Housc. Espl«nadc. Fort ?treet. Coiieetor-Qener*!, Js«. B. Cast!e. Depntyd:o> F. B. MeSt- cker. H.rbonia»tcr. Car>ulo A. Fulier. PonSorreynr. M. M S*n<lers. SU»rekeepcr, Qeorge C. 3tr»tameyer. .DEFAItTMt.'Cr 0F ATroRX«r-GBX*RAI. Of8ee in Exeoutlye Buildlng, Eing *treet. Attomey-(>ner»I. W. 0. 3mlmii;:v Al'- !•'.••• • •■ i. k. Wiider. Clcrt. J. M. Kea. Marshai, E. G. HKeheoek. Cl--rt «oM mhal. H. M. Dow. Depnty Mar«hal. Arthur Brown. JaiIor Oahn Priaon. J. X. I-ow. Pnaon Phrsician, Dr. C. B. Coop«r. Board or Immigrat:ox. Pr«*sident. HU ExceHency J. A. Kicg. Member ni the Boarl of imnimllon; Hon. J. B. Athertoo. J*s. B. c»«t e. Hoa. A. S. ct»ah rn. James G. Speocer, Mark P. KoMnwn. Seer«i*rj, Wr*y T«ylor. Boaan of Hiaue. Offleeln *ronr-dsof Conrt Hooae Buildin*. com«r o{ Mililani an-1 Qaeen streeia. Monhen; Dr. Dar, Dr.Mlner. Pr.Aadrew», J. T. Wa-.erh.K3ae Jr.. John Ena. Theo. F. iAns>ng and Anonsey-Qeaeral Smilh, Pmident—Hon. W. O 3mith. Seeret*ry—ehaa. W ieoa. ExecotīTe Offleer—C. B. Reynolds. I nspceXoT a -d uartw*e Serrice —L. L Lm Plerre. In»P««*- -r—G. W. C. Jone*. Pr>rt Phrsleia , Dr.G. B. Afidrews. Disp-Dsāuy, Dr. H. W. HowartL Leper SetUeioedt, Dr. R. S. Ourer. Boars or EaeeanoM. Coort Uouie Boii-tln*, Klug ureet. Presi-ient. Hoo. 0. K. Bishop. 3ceret«ry. W. inaaea Stmth. IiapeeL r ol Sehool», A. T. Atkia*oe. 5 * D»nucr Coc*x. Poliee Stntv-n Bnii-llne, MerehaiU stree*. A, Q. M. Kohenaon, Vt|iitni« (lamha A. Hiaminon, c!aa