Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
u AT THE CLITB STABLES. CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cat. Sept. 23, 1893.; Sire. Pr> 2.305. br Bls«BaD. 73. D*m. Or»ee. by B«.' inrer IV>mp»er slw- thc S;rv of ApvT. 2 2S; Trtl>st, i ; W*Iker. !2SJ; 2-270 thk>\ - aad of the I>u» Biill intine. 2:17 «o-.t 2-28. *T », ot s'» et >*,. k, oae hmd -vbite tx>t «ad sasil »tripe in t»ce. U>i£tk l.WO f.>tsn.K; s» rery gea’;e. * Cood prodtsoer «nd « euue moe h-'P*«*. Will sunl for n lsusitei hgīs. * tiiAre» *t FIFTY f|30i DOLL4K8 PQB TH1 S ' S,pt;*hl* *t imeol mnw. Hu» ■** »&s bred iu I?’->2 to fortr 'Si ns«r« aod {«rvdacv-l forty-two opiu. leh 17-lm IX II DAV1S.
INTER-ISLAND PILOĪAOE. C ,ut, WILLIAM DAVIES. — FOR TUE TWEI,VE YEARS in > f In’.eM-Uanil Slraait?rs offer> hU t1?I LOT ™ «ny port or Ianding in tb« Uaw liian lālan.U. ' 'g r I>est of n.-Un-noe-, inqniie at office of J. S. Walkkk oror Spre«ker< bank. .-r \Vrk;ht Bkos., Fort Stn*et. ft*b U tf. W. S.LUCE AVine and Spirit Al©rchant Fire-j>r<wf Block, MEKOHANT ST., HONOLULU H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Stroet, - Honolulu Familios, Plaukttious and Ships supplied with choicest Euwpean & Amenean Groceries C.difornia Produce by Ever>* Ste\mer. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-cl«ss Bathmg Kesort hns been enlarged and is now open to the pnblic. It is the best plaee on the islands to euju\ a bath and there is no bettei plaee to lay oti. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy half bourand on Saturd*ys and Snndays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. NJjWū$IO?|U JUST RECEIV'ED from JAPAN Several Kind of Co:ton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in difierent quahties. — A$oPtment of por-celaia Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns many Corios sqitable for Cbristina'« Goods. 411 KIXG STKEET, Honolala. I . leiophoa**. Befl 474. F.O. Bo» 386 Moiul 544. uoI3 lu
iUST ARRIVED. 5 m BABY • CARRfAGES 0F ALL STYLFS, CAR,PETS. Ruqs. MATS. IN TI1E LATEST l’ATTKUNS. “HOUSEHOLD” Sewincr Maehine Hand Se'vl\o Machixes, s isr All With the Lat«st ImproTcmenfc''V|^3 PAELOK |Organs, Guitars ; Aad Other Mnsical Instramenfc». Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAND, AND FOB SALE BV ED. HOrF80HUEGFB 00. Kin’ St.. oppo. C*»tle k Cookt’s Wing Wo Tai & Co. No. 214 Nauauu Stxeet. C01VPSSI0N |«ERPH^HTS, Importers and Doalen in Gt'S' L MEHOIIA Sl)IiiH. Fine Manila Cigars, CLinese and •lapaneeeCrock’r\ ware,M itt«ngs, Vases of all kimis. Cam;>ln rwood TranLs, Kattan Chaire, a Kine i A.isortuent of Dr»-?s Siiks, Best L5rands of Chiuesa iaj>aueso Teas of La»t***«t lnjportationH. lnspectioB of New (īoo«la Eespectfnl'y So!icited. Matnal T©1. 2t’4i P. O. Box 108. WO CHAN & Co. Mei-cliant Tailoi' Kiug|street. Thofaas’ Block, 'nextJdoor to Holomaa offite. 1 » All Suits Guaranteed to F»t, and LN THE LATEST STYLE. CIotbes Cleuned and Bepalred. no27