Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Oaho Kailwiī i' U&d fo. TIME TABLE ANP AFTER JtNE i. 189’. - TRAINS TO FVV A XILL. C Sand;iys escepted. I) S »tuni;»v- eieepleii. KAWAIAHAO CONCERT. The Pnpils of Kawaiahao Semi- ; narv will give a eoncert theeven ing of Maieh 3rd. The proceeds to be useti to pnrchase a piauo for the school. Admission 50 cents. Secnre tickets for the Kawaiahao concert March 3rd. Tickets for sale at Benson »fc Sniith s, Castle »t Cooke, J. T. Waterhonse. Smith’s, Lewers »fc Cooke and Hawaiian News Co. f. b 23-1 w Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take AcknowIedgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honoluln, Oahn. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pirr <fe Stott’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for tbe Bnrlington lioute. Real Estats Bro!er aM6eneral hm\ Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. qFF1CE: No. 38 MEKCHANT | Street, Honolulu, H. I. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commission Merc*hant. SPECIALTIES: J. P. CoaU' Maeliine Thread Jonas Brocks’ Maehine Thread Barbour’s Linen Thre*d Pe*r»’ So«p P. O. Box S58. Mntnal Teleph»ne X"i6 > 13 Kaahnmann Street. j 1 I WM. DAVIES, Rigf?er, Stevedore AND AVrecker. ESTIMATES AXD C »XTBACTS OX ALL KIXDS OF WOEK. ■ The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn regnlariy V>etwe«a this p >rt and ! Waialoa, Kawaihapui, Muknleia. Keawenui snd Kniki on the island of Oahu For Freight, etc , applr to the Captain. Best of Referenees —Inquire at Offic j of J. S. Walker, over Spreckels' Biiuk, or Wright Bros. F«.>rl Str« et. dec IS-tf LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate ahd General Auctioneer. Gcrner Fort*and Qnecn Strerfo, Honolnhi Personal *ttenti>>R grren to Sales of Farnilore, Estate, Stock and Oeneml Merchandise. Matoal T*drpboar 23S