Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Tūier don t like Uie Ameriacn ĪAiapne. . ■“““ ~ ; rain. raore iigiuning and L tbunder, raore mnd. Don t be l«te with yonr mail " for tbe Co«st by the AostnIia tomorrow. __ Tbe are dying free’y to a strong .N. E. wind. Weatber {>Iea>:ant. — A- the Ho; Oxr.\ p »?s t) press the Steainer W. G. Hail is eouiinp t iuto port. s Mr. T. H. Davies will not po 1 furward bv tbe Anstralia but will : aw.iit tbe Marinosa on the Stb. • Tbe steamer Lohua sailed for i Ioter-Islaud ports to day; penial l _ . “Jack ' Hare goes as purser. ; Drs. Anderson and Lundy are pleased with tbe increased pa- > tronage w hieh tbev now obtained. ;i — Tbe Palaee grounTs now display tbo adrautapes of baving a i good caretaker and be is green I enoungb, as everyone kuows. II 1 Tbe steamer \Varrimoo bas not i yet arrived from tbe Colonies. [ Her delay will undoubtedly be sbort, wbe sbe does arrive. Tbe Waikiki side of Hotel street betwoeu Alakea aud Kicbards streets sboukl be made passable for pedestrians. C. H. Lutber tbe would-be polilieian and wbo for tbe pre- i seut has been relegated to ob- : scurit\ is au advocate for cbang- j ing Satmdav to Sunday. Tbe ’ Ti*ēr states tbat tbe Council bas al!owed an annuity of S‘240 to tbe *‘wife’ of the late J.iiues Kuuhane. \Vidou, dear ’ Ti«er not *‘wife.‘ The Scbeutzou Club will meet j tbis ovening at tbeir rooms. It is believed that a resoluliou eou- ; deuinatory of the re-uomination of D. 11. Smit’u will be passed. Tbey iutend to dam oue person in particular. Tbe visitors to to\vu sbould not forget tbat one of tbe largest and most complete sug.ir mills iu tbe j country may be imputed by takiug a trip via tbe Oah Iladway to Ewa. Tbe ratos are low and the ' time tal>le is miule to suit tbe convcniauco of the public. M iss Mande Naapepio a uieee i of Queeu Emma died yesterday aftornoon cf cousumption. Sbe was buried tbis moruing, the : funerul taking plaee from St. > Audrew’s Catbedral. Tbe funeral cortege, to tbe grave, cousisted i of about 75 scbool girls atteuding tbe Englisb Sisteis School and i wbo, afoot, preceded the bearse Pall bearers comprised tbree of i tbe dead girl’s fellow sobolars (sbe baving beeu a memb5r of . tbo school mentioued) and tbree young meu. The bearse followed by a large number of relatives. aml friends of tbe deceased. Tbe fiual intorment took plaee in Kawaiahao Seminary. , 1