Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

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Along the Wharves.

Th*‘ sohooner H. P. Cheney is still disehnrging ooal, aml is also lod.ling sugar at Pacific M.iil w liHii. Sl»e will go to 8an Francisco. The hark Nantilas sailed out of the harbor yesteniay for S;in Fr»ncisco. She carrie»l away 18973 bags of sugar. Tlie schooner Carrior Dove is disohargiug cosil ;»t Fort street wharf Tho bark Galveston is at Hrewer’s» wharf. The Irragan.l is w*itmg her turn to loa»l sugar at the o!d Custom Hou.se wbarl. The bark Viliaita is iu the streain \\aitiug to load sugar for Shu Francisco. The sbip Ea8tcro(t is at the Dillingh:im \\harf. Her dcstinaiiou from this porl is undecided as yet. The bark Matilda is still lyiug at tho Fori street wharf.- She will load sugar for Sau Fraucisco. The bark S. C. Allen is at Brewer'a wharf. She saiis td!ay for S:i u Fnmcisco fully sugar laden. The O. S. S. Anstralia is at the Oeoanie dock. She is np to leave for San Francisco at noou tomorrow. A nuiuber of pas sengers are booked to go wani by her. She will also cany away a foll cargo of isla nd prodoce. •v . „ ■ - ■*