Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anchor-:-Sa!oon Kn ••AUSTKALIA.~ Anotht-r Invoice of th«- Woritl Henowned Fredericksburg Lager Beer On Jraugiu ai;d by the ki-g. AIso. a> a Speoialt\*. Small Fresh Cal'For\ a 0YSTERS, * FOH COCKTAlLS Im T.H.Davies&Co KAAHI MANU ST., llonoliilu. : : M. I. GENERAL am> Commission $*■ -H*: M(Tchants — AXD — 5UGAR FACTORS. 1 AGFNTS FOU , Lloyds :— llnūāh »nd Foreigu MaHne Insnranee Company, Liiuited. Northern Assnnmce Co, tire & life. Pioneer Line ol Packets from Lfvi erpool. Hawaihm Line of Packets. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. a.m> Ca!iaiiau-Anstraiian Steamsliip Co. Lt\ i..;. j ī Ofj : e: The Albany. OldHaliSt, fcbl6-3tn ( I -V—MORTGAGEES NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. — IN ACCORDANCE WU H THF. PBOVLSions of a certain mortsf.’ge made l>v K U'HANE NAKI INA t ■ WM.C ACHf, dated the -*>tU day of X>>vember I8!(l, recor led iu Ltber i.'ll. pag- 373, and dnly to l.au L'honi;. notice is hereb\ ! giveu tbat the mortgigee intends to foreclose th» same for conditions broken, to wlt: nou-payu»ent of inter* st and principtd. Notice is Ūkewiae given that after thc es- | piration of three weeks fr>)in the date of thi> uotice, the property couveyed by said mortgage will be adver.ised for <ale at pnblio anctiou at th« anctiou ro»>nis >>f James F. Morgtn, in Honolniu, ON WEDNFSDAV, the 1Uh day of March, i 8īM. at 12 ooon, of sai«l <lay. Da>d Honolnio, Febrnary 13, lsm. LAU CHONG, Assignee cf Moftgagee. The premi-;es covered by ->.i>l mortgage consist of—t acres sitnate m H.tm>>a, Hana, Mani, aud couvey»>l to said m«rtgag>tr by Kalawa. by dee<l dated th» 2!':u >la_v >>f Angnst, 16513, and iecun1ed in !.ibor •' !, pau’> - 102 an«l 103. f«bl7-3w I

LAXDS AT AUCT ON By virt»e nf an onler i: by tbe Coort throngh the ( Jn.stiee. A. F. Judir reg:»rd to tho Case of WILL M ATSON et al. against I \V,«tson, there wiii be soi Puhlie Auction, at the Au U<X)ms of James f. Morgau. o'eloek noon, on MONI March 19. 1894. Ali thos« mises situateJ at K «noohe, iaupoko, Oahn; and more tic larly designated as fol to »it; Lot 1 3.80-100 , 1< 'T 2 4. 21 j Lt»r 3 37.96 Uot 4 7.35 | ■ All are parts of Koval P; 174 to Panl F. Manini. Lot 5 Lot 6 Lor 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 . 20, .. 2*) .. 20 54.50 54. oO All are parts of those pren conveyed by Kamehameha to David Watson, by deed d Dec. 29, 1862, and recordeti Liber 16, p.-iges 127 and 128. Title perfect. Deeds at tbe expense» of Pnrebasers. P.. ,■ -♦ l, i