Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — Correspondence. [ARTICLE]
Editob Holompa: Kecently, I b<ive noticed in a S- F. papcr that Ohaplain Hoeā bad also testified before the Cougressional Cornmittee on Hawaiian atfairs—now I wonder as fo wbether this tevirend gentlemau has stated the trutb, the whole truth, and notbing, but the truth (as surely he had sworu to do) or has he lied as so manv “Reverends” do? If he has stated tbe trutb, then he rou>t have giveu very domaging testimony against J. L. Stevens —but, hav ing been so veiy intiraate aud friendly with tLat ohl trickster, I aro ineliued to believe that Ohaplain Hoes-has told onlv some unfouuded stories before' that Committee as the rest of the Hawaiian gentlemen (?) have/ done. Now here, I will recite a little oocurredce whieh took plaee on Beretania street, on the 17th of January, 18:*3 at noon. The C haplain, on his way home, met there a small gropp of people when he was accosted by one of tbem in tLe followi»g manner: “Well, ehaplain, where is yonr
gnn? Go ami get your ritle and eome a!ong. r ’ He retorted. ‘ There is no gnn necessary as not a shot wili be fired—I eome. just now, from Mr. Stevens—eventbing is arranged satisfactory—a Provisional Government wiih S. B. Dole as President has been formed and is already recognized by oor Stevens - don t fear anything—no shot will be fired, the marines will protect ns." >'o», I wonder if be has mentioned this little incideat before Congress aiso. ISQCIB£B.