Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HOLO^IU^. !S PUBI.ISHED Eve r y A fte unoon F.XCEIT SUNDAT BT THE Holoaua PubUshing Co. At King St. (Tbonoas block), Honolulo, H. I. Z?2ZZZX7:z::. por Xn&, 50 Ct& TUe p»ppr is delivererl by Uamem in the town aud snVmrbs. CVtpie* f >r SaUat thr Nevrs Dealers ana at the Offioe of pnbIicatioa. EOHUHO N0RRIE, - - Editor ABRAHAM FERNAHDēZ, ■ Manager X()TICE. All BnRĪne«« Communlcntions shonld be iddiesned to Abraham Fem«ndez, Honolulu, U. I. Cone*pondence and Oimninnirations !or pnblioatiun shuuM fce addresse<i lo the Editor ilawaii Holomna. No notice will be paid to any anonynioas commnuic«tions.

_Hnsiness Cards A. P. rETERSON, AT10KNEY AT LAW. Offioe: H3 Kaahumanu Street, Honolnln Hawaiian IsUu(ls. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNET AT LAW. Offioe; 11.1 Kaahunmnn Street, īlonolnlu Hawniiau Islauds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORXEY AT LAW. 314 Morchant Stix'et, Houolulu Mutu.il Telephoue 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND tX>rNSELLOR AT LAW. Offioe. OUl Capitol BuiMiog, (Honolnln l i*le), adjoiniDg Pi>st Office, Honolulu. J. M. DaVIDSON, ATTORXEY AT LAW, 3(X> Merchant St., OfBoe (Mutual) Tel. 180, Resideuce i»7. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORNKV AT LAW, Offioe, coruer King A Rethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Ketd Estate and Genera] Auctioneer.

Corn« Fort'and Qaeca Streets, Hooduha Personal attention given to Sales of Farailure, Real Estate. Stock and Qeneral Mercbandise. Mutual.T<*i*i'hone 23S. A. ROSA, ATTORXET AT LAW. No. 10 Knahumanu St., Houoluln Hawaiian Islands.