Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — "SO WOULD I!" [ARTICLE]

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Chester Doyie s Latest. H to kf«p op vith li'hion Yoa tr* »sk?J to «ag a sofe£, W>nL2 yoa 4) it? Ye» ve khM—so woa!d I. If apoa son;e eomii! topac Y'>a ue «akni to eonie oat «troog Wooli joa do it? V«s ve woaki—woaI<! I. &jaie thiok tii4t restor*tion I' i horri-l N>ie bct I Like {eople with opiuk-n That thev are rea lv to *tand bv. If ever f«r roar (ooaup'i Yoa me asked to die \V-oold yoa do it ? ¥«■ wre wuuli—so woold I. !4*hea voa nu-et a H onolaln girl V _ u think woald like to kiss Woold vou do it? Yes we wonld -so woald I. IX sbe LU-L» and savs Xow don't yon ever d> a thiug liko th;s Woald you do it? Yes we wronld—so woald I. They <av a wom.»u's Xo, I wont, Is idways moaut for yv«, That when she pouts and floais abo«t She wauts one more caress. Xow shojld she try the thing on yon What then? Come give a gness Wonld yon do it? Yes we wouid —so wonld I. If to keep your aitnation Y.,u were asked to join the clnb Would yon do it? Ycs we would—so wonld I. If the !eagne shon!d eome And with y<»n seem ineline l to hght Wonhl you do it? Yes we wonhl —so wonld I. They want to run the blesse»l P. C». governuient they say. And Japs and Chiuese take their part With mauy a ronstahont Aud in sarcastic tone shonld sbont Oh! turn the ras»’als out Wonld yon do it? No we wouldu’t —uor woold I. To Curc Toothache. Tootbacbe is a thing in tbe books, says the Meelieal Record, but many pbysiciaus would ratber meet a L>urgb*r at tbe door ou a dark nigbt tbau a eall to cure a bad tootbacbe of several davs’ coutinuauce. A hypodermie of morpbine only postpoues tbe evil day. and nsnally tbe patient is respectfnlly referred to tbe dentist. Tho tootlr should not be extracted while tbe jaw and gura are inflamed and the !atter swollen, and it is tbe pbysician’s duty to treat tbe case until tbe above conditions are removed. Alwavs keep a stnnll phial eontaining the following niixture: Chloruform, gtt. x.; glyceriue, gtt. x.: sat, sol. ae. carbol gtt. x.; morphine, gr. j., witb a sniall wad of absorbent cotton. If the ofl'ending tootb bas a cavity or deciiyed surface, saturate a sraall pellet of cotton witb the above mixture and pnt into tbe cavity or agaiust tbe decayed surface, astbeca.se may be-never paek the cottou in, or the more is the tronble, but bave the pellot small enough t> enter withont crowding lu raost cases tbis will end the trouble. When tbe gnms nre swollen and tender, paint two or three times, two minutes apart, with a cent solntion of eoeaine. This time of year your natient raay huve been eating a good deal of fruit. The tongoe and mncons mtrabrane of tbe month are pale, be bas a sonr stomach, and next day tbe tootbache will returu. Give 10 gra ; ns of snb carbonate of bismatb and 10 grains of phenacetin at onee, aud a sirnilar dose before eaeh of the tbree followiug meals, with a laxrt ve i if needed, and stbp all frr.it for a few days, and it will not retnrn. Tbe same powJer everv.in o honrs witb cessation of eating will stopthe pcrsistent, torraenting ueo ralgias so preva!ent at tbis seasou.