Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — TO-NIGHT. [ARTICLE]

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Test±mon!al To Mamiger PI'.nkett. The event whieh h.is occoj>ieU the QiOst attention of mn-iealh inclined people i» not the mnaieale whieh h»s been unprofes sionaI!v pitcbforke(l into the raidJie of this week, by >everal nnprofessional people, bat the event of events i» the testtajonial ooncert tendere<l to an«l to be given this evening at the 0|>eia Hjnse. to Mr. '5. īi. M. Piunkeh the geniai and gentleraanly mau tger .of tlfe MLsses Albu, the Ejglish eanaries, aud whose >weet voices will be heard on the boards here to'night for ihe last tirae. Professer Berger. the well-known bandmaster, has had the arrangements of the events unJ a gianve ! at the programme, herewitb appended, will show that the } entertainment of tbe public has I been well provided for. Tbe following is the pro- j I grarame; I. Duet for Piauo and \ ioliu—“Tbe rnight of Breton” Hennan ; 1 Prof. Berger aml Mr. Heitraaa. j '2. Aria—“Convien Partir” (La Figilia del Regguriento) ... | Donizetti M iss Rose Albu. 3. Flute Solo —“Traviata .\erdi Mr. Barsotti4. Song—“Better I.aml’’ .Cowen Mrs. Martha H. Christie. !5. Soug — 4 Sbe M amlered Uown tbe Monntain Side "....Clny i Miss Aibu. 6. Cornet Solo—“Robin Hood ’ Do Koven Mr. Cbarles Kreuter. i 7. Duet—“ Venetian Boat Song" Blumenthal ; The M isses Albu. 3. Duet for Piano and Violin—“The Crown of Gold” | Brespant Prof. Berger aml Mr. Heilman. i j 9. Song— “Fjnd Heart Farewell” , .... Hope Teraple : Miss Rose Albu. ■ i 10. Pieeolo Solo— ‘ On the Blue ( Sea” Brewer Mr. Barsotti. II. Song—“Ecstacy”. .. Arditi , Mrs. Martha H. Christ e. ] P2. “Ave Maria” OonuoO , Violin obligato Mr. Heitraan Miss Albu. 13. Cornet Solo-“Una”, Hartman ; Mr. Charles Krenter. 14 Daet—“Miserere” (II Trova tore) Vordi ! The Misses All>u. Knights of Pythias. Mystie Lodge, Ko. ‘2. K. of P., : had a verv pleasant entertainiuent last evening at their Castle H .11. in celeliratioD of the thirtv first Pythian Feriod. Overforty brother Knights were present. aod the main features of the entert iinment were of a seeret natnre. and consisted of an exeruplification of the Amplified Third Rank work. After the Lodge adjonrned an elegant banquet awaited the brothers and fnll justice wasdone to the occassion. J. A Hassinger acted as toastmaster in his usual happy vein ; and at onee put every one 5n touch with the occasion. Toasts were respon»led to as follows:

“The Supreme L«Hlge of the World,” I. A. Burget. P. C. “Our Sister Ix>dges,'' J. T. Stewart, of Oahu, No. 1. “Mystic Lodge, No. 2,” A. E. Murphy. “The Uniforra Kauk,” C. W. Zeigler, P. C. “Our Abseut Brothers,” J. Kidwell. •‘V*aiioas Naiionaiitiea Trese t.” M. N. Kennedy, P. C ■ “Oar Visiting Hrothers,” Ed. ; Towse and G. K. Wilder. “The Ladies,” S. Louisson. Olher toasts followe<l thick aud 1 fast and were varioosly responded to by J. F. Eckardt, P. C-. A W. Keeeh, H. F. Wiehman. F. B >rwiek, Dr. C. A. Peterson, Dr. K. iw. Anderson, R. W. Faller, J. H. Schnack and others. The pleasant occasion was brooght to a close by a happy response froso the toast-master, J. A. Hassinger. P. C., and tbe singing of “ Au!d Lang Syne." — j Adverti*er.