Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Anchor-> Sa!oon Ei “AUSTRALIA." Another Iuvoice of the orM Renowued Fredericksl)iir^ Lager Beer Oa ilranght aiul bv the keg. 5 A’.so. as a Speoialty, ’.IALL F\ESH CAVFCWt 4 0YSTERS.
!•'() 1 1 CXX 'KT.VTL^ f *2 ‘2 1 m T.H.Davies«SlCo KAAHUMAM' ST.. I lonoluln, : : H. I. GENERAL and Oommission Mcrcliauts — AXD bl)GAR FACT0R6. AGFNTS FOR 1 LloyrJs :— i ritisli huiI Foreign M;iriue Iusor8nce Con»|>any, I.iinited. Nor!l.ern Assnrauce Co, l'.re i*»oneer Liue ol F:!*kets liverpool. H iwaiian Line of Packets. Oaiialian Pacific Railway Co. axd Cauadiān-Ansīralian SteamsMp Co. ■ t .TU juu —oy febl6-3iu
ōEE WHI2! New Son<rs. New Keeitatious. I New Iii.sti*uinental — aml — 13aikI Selections The I.ateāt aiul Be?t received by the 8ieamer Monuwai are i w on - xh bit on ,t the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Ariini;t">n Bl(x*k. H«>tel Sfre< t. Dou’t mistake the L‘>catiou. fel9 MORTGAGEl?S .\OTICE UF FORECLOSURE. - jv ACCORDAXCE WH H THK rROV.SI ; ils ot a e*Ttidn niortt<»ei? n: ue liv \VV NAKI INA to V. M. C. ACUI, ■W- ‘1 5t!» il..v of S>iren;Vr !9M, reoorW in Ltb*-r 1.11. 37.1. s»n<l dulj 3swgn«l to Lan Caong, nolu.-e U bere!iv gir»u that tbv mortg in<vo<is to fore-elo-e tb« -mie for cou<iitions broken, to w!t: non-i«vnient oi iuter««t an>l pnunpnl. Noticf is iikevias gi»en that nfltr tb« r>ir.*tion of tbrvt wre',r from the date Jb;s uouee, th« prouertv oon»vTed bj said m-.rt-will bt «2vtn»e<i f<>r <«!<■ at pnhlie »ic{«on at th« aneli.a r -<,tn. of [aaies F. M rgvin, in Hoeoinln, ON WEI>NKS1)AV, >iw 14th daj f Maī--!i. ’ -91 »t !2nooa, of vi i ib>j. Uonoinin, Kt m*rj 13, !39l. I.Ai’ OH*»XG, A«>gurt > ( Mollg»get. T » prvmi ea> cotvt 1 hv j -l ooaj-.S f—Um -t .H i H3C*oi.*td coavtjed ti bid a.inss:jur bj Sjti.*3, bj deed d*le i ihe 25«h daj of Aago*t. lv.{. »ad re«orded iu Liber <1 u»i:eH KK and 108. febl7-‘3w Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTTST,^f Cora«r of ,King »nd Bethel 8te,, Upāiain, Enlmnee on Kmg Str«rt. Office HorB8—From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sanila3’B eicepted.