Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Chas. T. Qulick NO"TAr?Y PUBL!C Por the Isl.-uul of Oahu. Agout to Take Aeknowh dgiients tu Labor Contract.s. Agent to Grant AI:irri.'ge Lieenses, Uonolnln, Oalm. Agent for the Haw’n īslands of i‘iTT A Scott’s Fraight aml P rceis Exj.<ress. Agent for tho BarIington Koute. M S!ale Mer aiiteral Afest lieil TeL Mut. Tel. 133: P- <>. P*ox 415. OFFlCE; N<». 3S MERCHANT Street, Hoiolulu, H. I. C. T. AKAXA JJei*c5aiit īailoi 1 ! 324 Nunanu Street All Suits Gruaranteed To Fit aml in the Latest 8tyle. Cloih©» Cleaue<j anJ Kepairml. nu!7