Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, IIi*ro:er, - Stevedore *xd Wi*ecker. estimates and oosrajLCT8 o.\ ALL KIXT>S or WOBK. The Scboooner MAHIMAHI, will ron mjuUr!r hetw. en th:<» p»rtani Waiaiua. Kawīuhapai. Mokaiei», Keaw«uoi an i Kniki . n the i'iau i of Otibn. For Freight, etc , »ppiy to the Captain. Iiest of RefereuL'«*s—Inquire at Offic- of J. S. Wulker, over Spreokels’ Bank. or Wright Bros. l'ort Stn.et .lee 16~tf LEWIS & eo and Retail 6rocers A.\D PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIF0RNIA 8ALM0N ON IGE By Every 8 tn Fraacisco 8 eamer. Salt Salmon lv Bakkel.s a Specialty. iii Fort st., Houolulu. Tel. 240, ja. CHAS. GIR0LER, Importer and Commis6ion Merchant. SPECIALTILS: J. Jc P. Coatt' M.iehine Thrta.i Jouas Brooks' Maehine Thread Barix)nr - '* Lineu Thrcad Pears’ Sorp P. O. Box 35S. Matnal Teh phone 3o6 13 Kaahiummn Street. ]'tonal li’on Wop^ QU£E-\ Sti.eet, Between Alukeu & Richard Sts. THE CKr>ERSr*l\ED «re prepa«d to inake nil kind:i of Iron 6raa*, Bronr«, Zinc, Tin asd Lead CaetiDgv. A!so a General Bepair Sh«p for Steaiu KnginFx. Kiee itills, Com MiUs. Wit«r Wheel'. \Vir.d M.!h>. eW. Maehinea tor the Cleanine of Coff»w, CasU»r OiU, IV. :i.', Ka’nie, Sisa>, Pineappie Leaves i oth*r Fi roBN I’ : ;=, And P»j«r Stock AKo Maehinea f< r Eztr icting *'tarch frot» th* M -.n oe, Anow IUa/% '•*. All Orler» promptly aiun-le ! t". WHITE, RITMAN <\ CC. dEMENT glDEW,\L^ A5D fyailitE durbing Laid. Estimatfs given on alljkinds of 0tone, doiicrete Woi^ Co\CKETE A SPECLVLTY. JNO. F. BOWf.KR. j:tul7 3m