Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Insuranoe >^otioes. insurance FIRE & MARINE. THE UNDESSIONED fS AriHORIZED T0 T *KE FIRE cvd MAKINE RIj?KS ON JJuildiiigs, >Ierchandise, JdulLs. Carcoes, Freisrhts and Commissions AT CURKENT RATES, IN THE EOLLOWINO COMPAMES. viz: Royal Jnsurance Company, - LiverpooL Allianee Assurance Fire and Marine, Lonāon U'ilīielma of Madgeburg General Jnsarance Co Sun Insurance Company, - San Francisco J. S.AVALKEK, Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Fire, Life & Marine INSURANCE. HARTFORD FiKE INSURAXCE CO.. Assets, $ 7,109,825.49 LONDOX LAXCASHIRE FTRE 1XS. CO.. Assots. 8 4.317,052.00 T1IAMES MEliSEV AI AHIN'E JXSL CO.. Asseta, $ 6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURAXCE CO., Assets, 8137,499,198.99 C. O. 13EKGER, Gen»rtl Ageut f r the Hnwaiiau Is'uuds, llouolula Tei.kphon?.s: Resid*xcb: Bell 351 Mutual 410 Mutual 417 P. O. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, G0NTRACT0R and BUILDER lCst imates Griven on A 11 Kinds OF 6111(1 IIIIIN. SĪ0NE t «110» MiHSGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Bailding Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe aad Fittings, 01d x New Corragated lron, Minion Tiles, Qoarry Ti’es, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, JGranite Corbing and Blocks, eto.. etc. ( Corner King <5t Smith S ts. OFFICE Y \RD; ’ Officc Hours, a to*xa M., ( ito4P, M.