Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

<TenerxvI Advertisement*< A YAST PROJECT t COKS!f.fiT LIKE CF 3CHO0REES—A«pie Osp!rtt!!tr ftr ALL Owir" toOirt' nsti»nt y Iocrei)8 : rg Bu8inf88 »rd the Grett Dttui t,d «f tn Ap| reci*t ng Coo>tr.nDity, we corc't>'l-il t< i r>r hn < (»|«« rtun ty t > ell | irt es hfcv ng :{ U .—Ul’i: LINE 0F BCUOUNERS roy be s eo 5 : d r g ovcr ti(t Lar fi Ied to the r utra« st c <rry<rg c »p«c ty, «nt»i CLKAR COOI axk I. VIGORATIXG F, T P 1f ' 3 1LA(JEĪI BEEE At ths “ Anchor Saloon!” T«« «-eomnnnl. tc 0« rV. gt F cet « f Sc»iOoners. we h«ve buiit n Fme L r«r- U» lr g**r t r. K» g- rd!<ss «f C st. Is the only plaee \vliere a C<>ol Glass <>f Fredericksburg Beer on diaughi eau l>e had in Ilonolulu. Step forwurd Oei.tl< meu nu*v is the time. NOTICE ! Tl.c L’i d» <s gi »<I hnp Rcceiv» »15rcm the Eastern St <t< s Tlie Lai'$īest Siugle ( )i•< iei• of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Importod to the Islunds. It Coucludes as Follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cuos, assorted; Cushious, bv B!ock, patent; Billisnl Balls. cotrposition and ivon ; Pool Bulls, do., do. Tips, Cbalk, I* ckot C st : ngs, w th loather and fringe, eompleie; Pocket Nettings, fringe and leather; R(.bbev Covera, Court Plastor, greeu nnd bh<cR; Now Stylo Cha!k IIolders, Triangles, Sl ako B«Hs aud Leatlur Pott'.es, I’ool Piu«. Mai kera, ctc.. €-tc. The above Go»hU h ive been Pmohased at Reduced Rat s aud the under- gued is now |>re{<»re«l to do any ati<i a!t kimU f niLLIAKI) TABLE WORK at reasonable r.itos with dispatoh. Also new and second haml 1» llianl aud P -o Tables f r Sale. Pltase Apply lo J. P. BOWEX, Peny Block. H -lel St., Hono u'u Lj. E. 8( Bf^o IMPORTERS AND I)E)L .KS IN Oi'oeeiie^, X > rovisions JLVD F©ed, EAST COENER 1 ORT»fc KfN(T|STS. * New Goods Rec’d By every Paekei from the Eastern Statos and £orope. Fresh California Produce by every steamer, AJ1 ordere faithfully attended tn, and Goods delirerod to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Islaud Ordera Solicited. Sat sf«ction Gnaranteed. Pote Offic« Bex Ko. 145 ( T«l*pho»« Ko. W.