Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

AT THE CLTJB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cal. Sept. 23A893.' Sire. P»nipt«*r, “305. br Fh*e T>- P»n». hr -,vr. 2.65K ProiBp««- ; S -L~ th s tr ,- i A-T. 2.'.v. rr-.:.-:;. 2 2K;; W*Lkrr. 2 2ij: « 2 27;; -. 221 ,n : :i : PU; .tntj=- 2i7 .r, V;.- r. 22S ■. -<. ■ • 2 n.i vhite f«>ot and >iuau »:npe ic t*«». \WigM, !.(Vh) p uati-.; :s s!;L' * tc i * eaaue r*<v >•• ?■». WiŪ »Und ior » biu *< i r.nmiw .«f iu»rwt »t FIFTk £H >1 ! AhS FOK TKE SE IS»S, jnr%hie »5 tas« o< #:tm. Tk» kw . ,v- bre<l ia !āJ2 lo forty-«a nutn» *a-l t r.-d -.«si br»y-tw eotto. fe>> 17— lir» IX tl D AVIS.

INTER-ISLANDPILOTACE. Capt william davies. ' — FOR THE P;i»t TVTE1.VE YEARS in < t Iuter-I>Uiul Steatac.-s offer> h * serri. ' .is. F*IJL.OT to %sy port or Un līng :n tbe !īa* ..i n IsJ.»nAs. £ fT Best of rt ferenoes, inqairr ,-*t offi« of J. S. W.U KM o»rr 8prv«ke! - b»vnk. or W r:uHT HkO'., Fort Strvrt. frb 1% tf. W. S.LUCE AVine and Spiritj Merchant OimpheU Fire-proof Block, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU; — , H. MAY. & Co, I Tea Dealers, Coffee I' Roasters : AND Proviaion Merchants , 98 Fort Street. - Honoinlu Families, Plantations and Sbi]is supplied with choicest Euwpean &Amen'ean Groceries California Produce by Even’ Ste'\mer. Long Branch B AT H I N G Establishment. ThisFirst-dHss Bathing Resort has heen enlarged and is now open to the puhlie. It is the, best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better| plaee to Iay otl. Special aeeom- ( in(nlations for Ladies. Tramcarsj pass the door every half ho >rand] on Satnrdays and Sundays evexy fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERW00D Proprietor. — j. JUST RECEIVED frora JAPAN » Several Kind of Ooiton Crapa, Latest Sty1e of Shirts in difierent quah«es. 5psat A$oPtmBnt of poPeelain Tea Sets a Specialty \ Japanese Lanterns and many Cunos saitable for Cbristmas Goods. 411 KING STREET. Hoaolaln. TeUphoM4, Bc!l 474. P.O, Bos 386. Mnlaai 544. nol3 Im