Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — OUR MISSIONARIES??? [ARTICLE]
Conversion. , the h«wnfs «nuien 1» the darkfst wie ot — S m k>> ishen iw3or«iKv ihit ’t bWker tbs«a tbe biac k»>s bat—- | Aatl :h*-re. oa pk>es <*>»rk īatca*. a Srstdv*s MMKoam »<at; i -A a>sa of noww. who a m boir. ' Aa«l tben, fot nu2y v-arv. ao w rdi fr»>tu thiit Mi-*»! -a*rr hr«rl. Aai 55o tbe Mis<>'a Boani sent oot !ire pk>a« mex of cosw » j To 5« i* «ttght sa»e iu >a! irnsi»; l»nes ivnniaeil of R wres i ii i!ibta Jooes. A i j «o 4r» i »i!c i fhe ooe*n o’er, «i! .iai» hu«<’ed on the *hore; W'aeie ther wen» maeh sorprise»i to set » nun in heathen toggetr, Whose f«ce yras Jon«*s's, at» glance iilhoaeh * flonr-be» fonne<l hīs panee. Forardr>l he eame with l«siming f*oe, >U<i ha;led the crowd with oneloon* gra -e: “My frieu<is. mv dear benighted frien’s, i'roTii’enoe works to canons j Aa i certaiuly h s bronstht you here to!Lsten to my wopls of cheer. V n tdl are ou ths ro.ul to heli—r *pent, !.ke me. an l al! is weU. i Cast off the sinfnl b>nds that !ink yon to the Pit’s hot, sr.lphiir>ns briuk! A pnre and holy healhen be. an<! know the joys releaved to me. Tea wives have I, whose virtnes are, incite tne with thetn to oniptre. Aud if a singie woman ean be b tter than the worthiest man, His soul in goodness must be swimmin‘ who emn!atcs ten lorely w<>men. Also we tiu 1 the p!ural wife by c >mpet;tion lessens strife; And having never one old maid, of gossip we are n >t alraid. Onr savings of eaeh year are sunk by all in one grand annnal drnnk. AVhieh everybody being in none tannts his neighbor with his sin. They join onr hnu'I, and learu at last how I happily life may be pu-sei. Aml see how k;ndaess, Iove and peaee. attend sweet heatheudoui‘s incre se. Ooine, s;ivc yonr son!s and mend yonr lives, enbraoe onr faith -aud f mrteen wivesV Wuat more? O; tu <t we ean not speak. ft ’e only kuow that, jnst last week, Twentv-tive missionaries went to where - those search«ug saiuts were sent, To send back to the rirtnons wor’.d some tidings of the saints who hnrled Themselves npou n savage strand t*> tind tbe lea<ler of their baud, Whcse ntter disappearance mnst have causeil mueh troubla to the Jnst. Moral: —A “Mish” is mnoh improved >«aUU-rin»>«. l»y* m>Aa climes.