Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[\\V ,1o not hold onreolvcs responsiblr- fci tb- opinions or the utteram'es of oar oorrespondents.] Honoluln, Feb. 27, 1893. Ei»itok Holomi a:

I have, witli very littie trt>uble | indeed, perceived in alraost every important articlo tonching on t’>e Hawaiian controversy andrev»lution, stated by anti-royalists, a wani of honor and respect of honesty and truth. Lord Bnrleigh says that‘‘Honor is tbe reward of virtne; but is gotten with labor and held \vitb dahger. Tiiis i> an ap th-g*r. coinpatible with, and characteristic of the native Hawaiians They have raerited honor whieh' i cannot be marredby thebreathof 1 sl«nder and holds its own before the uninformed world with dungor i<n.ic-tr>i. rsnall i nut in s»rae raeasnre eulogize the Hawaiian people for their noble bebavior during this crisis? Are they not desorving of respect. I believe in respecting tbose worthy to be respected bit I wonld with Wm. Scott Downev say “Never to res- - ! pect men nierely for tbeir riches i but rather for their philantrophy: j we do not valne the sun for its i brightness. bnt foi its nse ” It is only Hawaiiane that have stated to the Araerican puhlie the ( truo causes of the revolution. j It is only they who have shouned ; from speaking ill of their fe!lowmen, and therefore I amforcedto : conclnde tbat it is only they who are desening of praise. honor and r spect. Sncb a race, I eall an l >uest race of people, they know t iat no legacy is so ric!i as hon- | esty and that it 5s the best policy. Yocxg Hawaiian.

Tho Cartwright vs. Cartwright divorce trial is still on The libellant’s testimony will not bear reprodnction oulv in the Star. Several of tiie 400 are w itnesses to be. Some colored of paper somewhat artisticallv dvsigne«t but spoiled in the pr;utiug is the ! latest thing forced on the pnhlie, by the oligarchists, to do duty as postage staraps. The aunexation club roll is I a hlnl to ou the arriral of even incoraing steamer, either from the Coast or Colonies. The “anne\«t;on pn ject i> oo« dtO|>p“>l and instead a “bread and botter” proposition is made.

Mrs. Vina King the inulatio woman, convicted yesterday by a jury of assault on Geo. Walter Washington was today seutenc al to 30 days Un?risonment and to pay a fiue of 810. The ainscuiar lady before leaving the precincts of ihe Merchant street haliwiek to h «ve a “two round go” with the m «rshal or hisdepoty but they A«h1 and ontsiders broke up the co»nbination aud escorte»l the ara«zou fco quartere ia Hotel de Low.