Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — To-morrow s Concert [ARTICLE]

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To-morrow s Concert

— Tbe concert whieh will be ten<lered t- morrow uīgLt to Mr. | r lunkett, the popnlar mansger of the M:s$es AIbn promi»es to he a ; great sacceS' The two gifted Tocalists will assi*t. anJ the mnsic-loving f»eople of īīoaolalo , will h ave oue more ehanee to enI joy their fine vu»ces. Araong the masicians who h;*.ve vo!uuteered ! their service~ vre m ike special menlion of Mrs Chri<t:e, i Iady g.ftej witb a mo~t • voice cnltvated at the Bos tom mnsical con5ervatory. A nninber of our most j»opi3lar amateurs will jo[n in, n!-3k : ng tlie evening \ deoide<l snccess and it hi pnl thal thcre will lp a fuli hon?e. A cert;«in iti>sienarv circle, we nndtrstand has, with that tact for whieh that cliqae is i aoticcd. arranged fora snnsicale t<> be g;ven at i private h:>nse. The vnlg:irity of that g«ng i» nnpa ra’elled and wosild iu spite of the'r •some how earned doilars ! make thira *‘impossible : ’ in any po!ite society in tue civilized world.