Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 26 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
| Anotber “repob!ic" rumor. Tlie MessrsSpreckel? willleave toroorrow for Mani. Col. W. H. C »rnwe»l is again io iown. He i» not »fur « cattle thia time bnt a bithop! Soe 4tb page for continoance of Mr. A. Marqnes' able article on “Hawaiian Popnlation.’’ • Tbe wiml toduv has been prettv well ronn*l the comp»ss from E. to N. W. Weather is magg}'. sky overcast Cbief Hant sends all tbe fire laddies ont on exercise drill every rnornmg, the apparatus be ing nlso carrit.-d along. A Sanday scbool class of politicians met at tbe office of the “learned in tbe law.” W. O. Smitb, yesterday afternoon. The tt atuer \nva arrived frotn Vancuuver B. C. at G:30 Saturdsv 1 • I p, 01. S'ie sailed for the S >uth at 8:30 a. m. yeeterday m >rning Ibm ? t fi>rget to take in the Sh:»keeperian “elections whieh ihe | P >pu!ar Phon<'graph Par!ors have ou record and whieh one rnay hear f.>rthe asking. | Ti>e pbeanant shooting season is wilhin a eouple of days of its end j and Manager Cunningham of the | anchor now proposes to hunt ! oyst rs, f>r e *ckt»ils. Sherift \ViIcox of Kauai has receivel instrnctions from President G >dfrey »>f the Inter Is!«nd S S. Co to save everything whioh may i eoine nshore frurn the wreck of the ; C R. Iiishop. ■ The circnli.tion of ihe .SV«/ - has fallen oft' greatly since the last meetiog of the stockbolders. This news is iutended as a “pointer” j ti advertisers. Mr. John G R »thwell lately lxx>kkeeper in the P> st Offioe ; Department wiil fill the position | rnade vacant by Mr. John Winter iu \V. G. Irwin & Co.’s. Mr. Ge<>rge Lycurgus, well and favorable kn>>wa in business, in this citv, has succeeded to the j>»bbing liqiit>r business formerly >arried on by L. l)-e on Miile! etreel. Col. Jim Sherwood the propii et »r of Li>ng Branch Baths at Waikiki states that he has quite a surprise in store for visitors to his establishment durirg this week. The Equitable L.fe lnsurnuce Co.. haa stood the test of time in this co.omauity and Mr. Rrace Cartwright the aftable aud patient agent is willing togive informati >» to inquirers, of the benefits.
Tiie present is ;i good timo t m »ke repnirs and regrade side w.tlks and roads. T*ae stagnant vrater in the mauy dopressious otfors opportunity for tbe road raakors to improve tbeir work. — The wind sli fted to the West this iifternoon and dark donds 1 rol!ed up, over yonder, Ewa way. Tbe Iigbtuiug dashed oocasionally und the thunder rolled. Further developeraeuts aro awaited anxioos)y as the loeal weather j prophet is dead-asleep or visitiug. The affa rs nece-s.«ry to make a coraplete succees of the deservirg testimonial e >ncert to ihe gentlemauly m» isg-r of th* Alh i sisters, M \ M. L. X. PlunkeU. -»re btit g arr«n<>-il w t!i that carel'ul nicety ,>fdeti ! whieh has al.r <ys clnracteri«ed Proiessor lierg-r. The e >nce t is st »ted to be an event fnr Thursdsy eveni»»g n-xt, March lst. Mr. •* ltbeiser the correspondeut of tbe Xew York WoHil is another one of the foreigu oorrespondents who paid a brief visit of respect to Her Majesty before departure. Mr. Altheiser was so struck w:th the self-po8-session nnd )ady-)ike bearing of tbe that he could uot refrain froui exprt»saing his sorprise on h s n liun' to ihe Hotei.