Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 26 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA." Another Luvoice of the W orldj Reoovoed f Fredericksbun>‘ Lager Beer | On ilraugbt ar.J by the kog. — A!so, a> a Spociahy, Small Fresh Cauforn 4 0YSTERS. FOH COCKTAlLS h22 lra T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Ilonolulu, : : H. I. GENERALam> Commission Morcli!mts - 4ND — SUGAR FACTORS. AGENTS FOK Lloyds :— L!ritish aml Foreigu Manue Insnranoe Company. I iniileū. Norttiern Assnrance Co, t:re >\ life. Pioneer Line of Packets froui Lfverpool. 'lawaiian Liue of Packets. I Canadian Pacific Railway Co. am. Canadian-Anstralīan StsamsliiD Co. LivkrpoolOkhce:The AIbany, 01<lHallSt. febl6-3m
GEE WHĪ2! Xew Soni;.s. New l?eoitatious. Xew lnstrurnental aml Band Seiections Tlie f.atest aml Be?t received by the stearuer Monowai, are no v on -x!»:bit;oa at the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlingtin BIock, īL>tel Street. Don’t mistake tho Locat>on. fel9 MORTGAGERS NOTICE OF FORECLOSrRE. IX ACCORDAXCE WIl H THF PROVJSk>in of a ftrlsin trort£age h» KAUHANE XAKtTXA to WM. c. ACHI, d»W<l the 5tb dav of Xovember 1891, rec rded in Liber 131, psge 373, and dnly .i~.igned Ui l.aa noliee ia herel>r giren that the m.>rtg gee intends to foreel *se the «ame for conditious hmken, to w!t; non-parment of iuter-st and pnneipal. Xotice u> likewiae giren thit after ihe expiratK>n of three weeka fn>m the datc of this uoOoe, the propertr oonrered by wūd m»rtgjge will be ai)TertMed for «ale at pnhīie aoftk>n at the aneūon rc*>m* > f lamea F. Monpm. in Honolnln. OX WEDXESDAY, tbe Uth day oi March, 1894, at l2o«oc, of aaidd*y. Dated Ho&oinlo. Febrnaiy 13, 1894. LAU CHOXG, >U«igDM »f Moftgagee.
Tbe prwni««s coT«iv.i br s»id m«>rtcr»«c •r.'Ost of—I acrrs «itn»tc ,u Hjucjs, H*n* Maoi. iO-J <X»DTeTr it • «ju«l «,.f ’(ji KaUva, bj decd date>l th«- ZHh d*j of An g»«t, 1S33, and ico>rded iza Uber paoe» 102 «d 103. frt,17 3w POCXD MASTER*S NOTICE. Noōoe i* berebj gtren fo «11 perv>as. tlut tbereM«t tba Govenuneat Poaod «t M*kiki. tvo strajed mano. rad «ad «lute br«nd« an iadtecnh«hle. Any penon or p«raons ovning *>—rr *" »«q«««*ed to eome «ml t«ke tbe aaae oo or hefora 12 o’eioek noon ol SATL'BLDAV. Marab M), 18M. JkME8 KIHONA,