Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 26 February 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Washingt n, Feb. 16. —There is no longer any donbt that yellow fever has made iteappearance iu the Uuited St;»tes dect at Rio, and the Newark is now a fever ship.

Secretary Herbert has received * l ie following dīsratch from Admiral Oeiiham, dated at Uio Janeiro, Feb. 16th: “Aa a precautionarv meaj.ure against fever I will send all the vessels except the tl gship Just ontside the harbor, l)ut wiiLin eall. Every precautiou has been Liken. The liea!th of tue otl‘.cers and crews is g->od. Bexham. ’ Ilio Jaueiro, Feb. 16. Tellow fever is on the increase. There \vere si\ty deaths yesterday in addition to fifteen frorn other fevers Thecaptainof the Anstrian war ship iu these w tters died to day. There are a nnmber of other eases on bo;«rd. The Portngaese war ship bere is also iufected.

The sita;»tion is growing serious to foreigners. Chicago, Feb. 10.—If the plans do not miscarrv James J. Corbett aml Peter Jaekson will meet near Detroit, possibly on an island, next June for a purse. of ?-lō,000 aiul an extra allowanee of £1000 to eaeh ot' the contestants for trainiug expenses. Liverpool, Feb. 16—Aynsley Cook, tbe well known Eaglish b iritone is dead. San Francisco Feb. 16 —Dr. E. F. West accused of the murder of Addie Gilmohr has been fouud guilty of murder in the secoud degree. Queeustown, Feb. 16—The British ship City of Hunkow, Captain Kiug, from San Francisco, arrived here today, winning a long race from California in whieh she had three competitors.

riiTs, Jb'eb. Ib —A sem:-urninai uote h=ts been issaed in regard to tbo attitude of the Portuguese Govemiueut iu rao.-t of the ques tious whieh have ariseu betweeu Frauce and Purtugal. The attitude of Purtugal in these raatters has caused Premier Casrair Perier to recall the Freueh Minister at Lisbon to faris in order to coufer with the Government upon the sitoation.

Loudon, Feb. 16.—Tho House of Comruons thiseveuing rejected without division a nuuiber of ameiRlments roade by the Lords to tli3 Parish Councils bill. Denver. Feb. 16. —‘Dcnver Ed” Smith knocked out Joe Goddard.the Australian, in March, 1893. and pocketed $10,000. a sum that eclipsed his wi’des: dreaas. To d;»y he has not a cent. To r.se his own classic « s press on, he is “Bnsted. be gosh. aud ai de hog ti-ain!” Ch cago. Feb. 16.—Judgo Bretano, who tried Preudergast. Maycr Harrison’s assassin, has a letter threateniug his life uiless he is lenieni w th the prisoier. Oflicers gutrded hina today while hearing argumeuts for n lew trial.

Berin, Feb. lō.—lt is estiui:it ed thft tbe «laiuagc tlone by the . recen(gH?e in tbis city alone will amonit to 100,000 marks Throighout Germany tbere were twent; one deatbs aiui 400 were injnrel throngb accidents dne to the se er tv of the storra. Pars. Feb 15.—Ex-Minister Wnldek Roosscan aiul Coont Friscbde Fels fooght a due! with sword: tbis moiniog, as tbe resolt ofa slighting remark by the formerin regard to the Coontess de Ft*. The ex-AIinister was slightr woonded in the arm.