Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 26 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CLUB STABLES. U CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Recori: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockto.i, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893^ br B]«e Bc’l T5: V IS »b. ib S.t» 0( A- i. »46- Tr*M»t, W*Ikrr. *£ }; --■; * wk! of tke Ihun* BriU:'«atiae 2:IT »a i\tp r. 2;3». ‘V*e®l« Us.wfb.nl wlaw foot ud >nul »mpe m f«ce. WūA». 1.0» p«u.b; » wry »*Tl:-a. cnt--. « P rxSncer «n.l • r»« horse. W.!l s to.i for • lwuted unmb r KU1V ■?.»■ POLLA S FOR THE W>\*. i*T*b> «t nui of ī...- ho;*e m«s bn?d m iSJC lo fof'.T-si« m*rw *a4 pr J icr«i tor»/4w> coit». feh 17-im 13. H DAV1S.
INT£R-ISLAND PILŪĪAOE. Cirr. WILLIAM DAVIES. * — FOR THE P.ist TMTELTE YEARS in cmw > 1 of Iater-lslind S(mmers uffers h - servi —a.PfLOT T0 ANY pori or !an Uag in (lie Uawii; n I&Lmds. f ’5** Best of i¥ferences, inqnite at of J. S. W«ua orer Spreokfl's henk. or \Vkight Bros., Fort Street. feb I4 tf. W. S. LUCE W r iiie and Spirit Merchant <’ Fire-proof Block t MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU H. MAY, & Co„ Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolulu Faiuilies, Plautations aml Ships snppiietl with choicest Eu ropca n & .4 merica n Groceries California Protluce by Every Long Branch BATH ING Establishment. This First-class Bathmg Eesort hts becn enlarged and is now open to the pnblic. It is thc best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath nnd there is no better plaee to lay ott. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half bo rand on Saturdays 4nd Sundays ever>fifteen minutes. e. J. SHERW00D Proprietor.
N^U-^O^A I JUST HECEIVEDfrorn JAPAN Several Kinl o' Col;ton Craps, Latest Style of Shlrts in different qnalilies. A8o?tment o! popeelak. Tea Sets a Specialty Japauese Lanterns and roan\ Cnrios saitable for Ciiristrai» Goods. 411 KBlj bTB£ET, Hov/j.a. T*Wphone% Bd 474. |\ >. 38. K«fcMl 544. o..i3 U.