Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 26 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KAWAIAHAO CONCEKT. The Pupils of Kawaiahao Seminary will give a concert the evening of Maieh 3rd. The proceecls j tt» be uaeel to purcha.se a piano for the aehool. Admission 50 , cents. . Secure tickets for the Kawaiahao couoert March 3rd. Tickets ' for saie at Ilenson A Sniith’s, Castle & Cooke, J. T. Wator- | house, Smith’s, Lewers & Cooke and Hawaiian News Co. feb 23-1 w ! P01ND MASTEK'S NOTICE. Sotice is hereby given to all persous, that there are ut the Oorerumpnt Pound ut Ma* I kihi, 2 strayed ho ses. 1 niot led ho;se, i Ionjj white spot on the fovehead, biand H indisc ibable on the r: ght sde ol the nee k, i while Iett hin.l le~, feet are shod. 1 ;e,l horse, b>ng white sp>t on the {o^eheai 1 , 3 white Iegs b.and im'inc,:bable on the le5t hinū leg. Any person or persons ownina tl.c.-e aniuials areminested to eome and take the -ame onorbefore 12o’clock noou of SATUIU>AV, March 10. 1894. JAMES KUKOKA. Ponnd Mu-,:er. Makiki, Feb. 26, 1894. LANDS AT AUCT ON. By virtue of an onler issued by t!ie Court through the Chief Justiee, Hnn. A. F. Judd, in regard to the Case of WILLIAM WATSON et al. ngainst Dav;d Watson, there will be sold at Puhlie Aoelion, at the Auelion lioouis of James F. Morgan. at 12 , o’eloek noon, on MONDAY, March 19. 1894. Ali those premises situated at Kuneohe, Koo- i I laopoko, Oahu; and more particolarly designated as fo!lows, to wit; , Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot 2 .. 4 21 Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 7.35 “ . All are parts of Royal Patent 174 to Paul F. Mauini. : Ix»T 5 20acres LuT 6 20 " i Lot 7. . . 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ : Lot 9 54 50 “ | All are parts of tbose prcmises conveyed by Kamehameh:i IV. to David Watson, by deed dated Dec. 29. 1862, and recorded in Liber 16, p«ges 127 aud 128. Title perfect Deeds at the expenses of Uie Pnrchasers. For fnrther particitl«rs apply to Willu* C. Achi, Attorney *for the Commissīoner, o, to 8. 3L KAAHKAI. Comroissioner. Honololn. Feb. 23.1894.